API Endpoints

HypeAuditor For Discovery

Endpoint for Discovery Search

  • Production:
POST https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.search/
  • For testing. Validation enabled. The method will return a sample of data for every request without applying filters and spending credits.
POST https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.searchSandbox/



  • Filters reels_video_views_avg & shorts_video_views_avg have been added for Instagram and YouTube respectively since April, 22th 2024.
  • Twitch Games endpoint has added to HypeAuditor API for searching game IDs since January, 30th 2024.
  • Filter aqs has been added for TikTok since November, 21th 2023.
  • Filter similar has been added for TikTok since May, 10th 2023.
  • The following Request Parameters have been included since December, 7th 2022 instead of parameter keywords.
FieldTypeDescriptionSocial networksAvailability
searcharray of stringsKeywords to search anywhereIG, YT, TT, Twitch,TwitterBasic, Pro
search_contentarray of stringsKeywords to search in content.

Note: Response field can be used in Post Searching by Keywords
IG, YT, TT, Twitch,TwitterBasic, Pro
search_descriptionarray of stringsKeywords to search in descriptionIG, YT, TT, Twitch,TwitterBasic, Pro



  • The Search Result is divided into pages, with 20 search items per page. Each page incurs a cost of 1 Discovery Call. Note that returned result is limited to 10,000 rows, so the max page value is 499.
  • To check the number of remaining requests, please refer to queries_left field in the fetched response.
  • To check for updates, please, refer to section Change Log

Request formats

Two request types are supported:

  • Content-Type: application/json with json body request
  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data or no content-type header

Request Parameters

FieldTypeDescriptionSocial networksAvailability
social_networkstringRequired field. instagram, youtube, tiktok, twitter or twitchIG, YT, TT, Twitter, TwitchAccording subscription
categoryobjectcontains include and exclude arrays of category ids from TaxonomyIG, TTBasic
thematicsobjectcontains include and exclude arrays of thematics ids from TaxonomyYTBasic
account_geoobjectcountry, city

- For country: array of two-letter codes

- For city: array of id's from https://www.geonames.org (only available for IG).
IG, YT, TT, Twitch,

For YT ,TT, Twitter only country available
account_genderstringmale or femaleIG, TTPro
account_ageobjectfrom and to parameters. Pass age values, e.g. 27IGPro
account_languagesarray of stringTwo-letter language code (from languages table)IG, YT, TT, Twitch, TwitterPro
account_typestringbrand or humanIGPro
account_has_contactsbooleantrue or falseIG, YT, TT, Twitch, TwitterPro
account_has_launched_advertisingbooleantrue or falseIG, YT, TTPro
account_mentionsobjectcontains include and exclude arrays of Instagram usernames. Mentions for 180 daysIGPro
audience_geoobjectcontains countries and cities arrays.
Each array item contains id and prc fields.
For country id is two-letter code from ISO 3166.
For city id is int value from geonames. prc from 0 to 100.

cities array is only available for IG.

Hint: arrays cities and countries can be used together or separately, defining the corresponding fields (id and prc).
IG, YT, TTBasic
audience_ageobjectcontains groups array of age keys and prcIG, YT, TTPro
audience_genderobjectcontains gender (male or female) and prcIG, YT, TT, TwitchPro
subscribers_countobjectfrom and to. For IG and TT it is followers count and for YTits subscribers countIG, YT, TT, Twitch, TwitterBasic for IG

Pro for YT, TT, Twitch, Twitter
erobjectfrom and to floats (from 0 to 100). Engagement rateIG, TT, TwitterBasic
aqsobjectfrom and to ints. Audience Quality ScoreIG, TTPro
cqsobjectfrom and to ints. Channel Quality ScoreYTPro
last_media_timeobjectfrom - unix timestamp when last post/video posted.IG, YT, TT, TwitterPro for IG, Basic for YT, TT, Twitter
media_countobjectfrom and to Total count of videosYTBasic
likes_countobjectfrom and to Total count of likesTTBasic
alikes_avgobjectfrom and to - Average reactions per video in 90d period. 30d average likes for TTYT, TTBasic
views_avgobjectfrom and to - Video Views average by 90d periodYT, TTBasic
comments_avgobjectfrom and to Average comments count in 90d periodYT, TTBasic
shares_avgobjectfrom and to Average shares count in 30d periodTTBasic
reactions_rateobjectmarks keys. Performance mark of likes and dislikes to views ratio. See below.YTBasic
comments_rateobjectmarks keys. Performance mark of Comments to views ratio. See below.IG, YTBasic for YT, Pro for IG
growthobjectperiod: 7d or 30d or 90d or 180d or 365d, from and to ints (from 0 to 100)IG,YT, TT, Twitch, TwitterPro
likes_growth_prcobjectperiod: 7d or 30d or 90d or 180d, from and to ints (from 0 to 100)TTPro
similarstringusername for IG, channel ID for YT or account ID for TTIG, YT, TTPro
verifiedint0 - only non-verified, 1 - only verified accountsIG, TT, YT, TwitterPro
blogger_prices.post_priceobjectfrom and to prices of blogger postsIG, YT, TTBasic
incomeobjectAudience income. Object should contain id of the income group (one of 5k,10k,25k,50k,75k,100k,150k,200k) and prc keys.IGPro
ethnicityarray of objectsAudience ethnicity. Each object should contain race and prc keys. Available races: african, arabian, asian, caucasian, hispanic and indian. prc is percent int 0-100IGPro
interestsarray of objectsAudience interests. Each object should contain id and prc keys. id - interest id from Taxonomy Section - ig.interests. prc is percent int 0-100IGBasic
username_excludearray of stringsUsernames to exclude from search results. 1000 usernames maxIG, TT, YT, Twitch, TwitterBasic
twitch_active_days_per_weekobjectfrom and to. Active days per weekTwitchBasic
twitch_gamesobjectperiod: 7dor30dor90dor180d,
games: list of IDs (int) obtained from Twitch Games.
- The default search period is 30d.
- Search is performed through AND operator.
- The maximum number of game IDs that can be sent is 3.
twitch_hours_streamedobjectfrom and to. Hours streamedTwitchBasic
twitch_live_viewers_avgobjectfrom and to. Average live viewersTwitchBasic
twitter_likesobjectfrom and to. LikesTwitterBasic
twitter_repliesobjectfrom and to. RepliesTwitterBasic
twitter_retweetobjectfrom and to. RetweetsTwitterBasic
twitter_tweetobjectfrom and to. TweetsTwitterBasic
reels_video_views_avgobjectfrom (int). Average reels viewsIGBasic
shorts_video_views_avgobjectfrom (int). Average shorts viewsYTBasic
sortobjectfield and order fields. Field may be subscribers_count, er, username, default engagement_avg.IG, YT, TTBasic
pageintPage. Default value is 1. 20 items per pageIG, YT, TTBasic

Age keys

  • 13_17
  • 18_24
  • 25_34
  • 35_44
  • 45_54
  • 55_64
  • 65

Mark Keys

  • poor
  • fair
  • average
  • good
  • very_good - only for aqs feature
  • excellent

