API Endpoints

Instagram Competitor Analysis API

HypeAuditor For Market Analysis

Create Report

Create the report of an Instagram account

POST https://hypeauditor.com/api/marketanalysis/instagramCompetitorAnalysis 

Request Format

Request type supported:

  • Content-Type: application/json with json body request:
date_fromstrStart Date
date_tostrEnd Date
audience_geoarray of strCountry Code in ISO 3166 two letters
usernamestrInstagram account
hashtagsarray of strInstagram hashtags

Images (posts and avatars)

Pictures stored on our CDN side (cdn.hypeauditor.com/*) have a lifespan of 28 days. You should re-request them if you cache their URIs on your side.

Response Object

configobjectReport Configuration Parameters
basicobjectReport Data
time_updatedstrTime report updated in yyyy/mm/dd

Config Object

usernamestrInstagram username
date_fromstrStart Date in yyyy/mm/dd
date_tostrEnd Date in yyyy/mm/dd
audience_geoarray of strCountry Code in ISO 3166 two letters
typestrType of Report: ig_mentions

Basic Object

typestrType of Report: ig_mentions
usernamestrInstagram account username
date_fromstrStart Date in yyyy/mm/dd
date_tostrEnd Date in yyyy/mm/dd
audience_geoarray of strCountry Code in ISO 3166 two letters
report_idstrReport unique ID
stateintState of Report: 0: calculating or 10: ready
avatar_urlstrAvatar URL
social_idstrInstagram account ID


    "report": {
        "config": {
            "username": "gucci",
            "date_from": "2022-08-14T00:00:00",
            "date_to": "2022-09-13T00:00:00",
            "audience_geo": [],
            "settings": null,
            "mode": "FULL",
            "type": "ig_mentions"
        "basic": {
            "type": "ig_mentions",
            "username": "gucci",
            "date_from": "2022-08-14T00:00:00",
            "date_to": "2022-09-13T00:00:00",
            "audience_geo": [],
            "report_id": "16fc27a0ead745eb730639f773b7093d",
            "state": 10,
            "avatar_url": "https://cdn.hypeauditor.com/img/instagram/user/2421050.jpg?w=150&till=1675083600&sign=39d0ce00251532b917e669144c0c5932",
            "social_id": "2421050"

Get Report

Get the report of an Instagram account by report_id

GET https://hypeauditor.com/api/marketanalysis/instagramCompetitorAnalysis/<report_id>

Response Object

emv_valueintEarned Media Value (EMV)
reach_valueintReach value
contributors_valueintContributors Value
mentions_valueintMentions Value
sponsored_ratio_prcfloatRatio Percentage of Sponsored Content
cpe_valuefloatCost Per Engagement
sponsoredarrayarray of {emv:int, reach: int, contributors: int, mentions: int, price_sum: int} object.
emv is Earned Media Value,
reach is reach estimated,
contributors is quantity of contributors,
mentions is number of times influencer was mentioned,
prices_sum is sum of prices
likely_sponsoredarrayarray of {emv:int, reach: int, contributors: int, mentions: int, price_sum: int} object.
emv is Earned Media Value,
reach is reach estimated,
contributors is quantity of contributors,
mentions is number of times influencer was mentioned,
prices_sum is sum of prices
pricearray of objectsarray of {sum_from: int, sum_to: int} object.
sum_from is sum starting interval,
sum_to is sum final interval
content_top_hashtagsarray of objectsarray of {title: str, value: int} objects.
title is Instagram account name,
value is number of content hashtags


    "emv_value": 6956273.040000001,
    "reach_value": 40509851,
    "contributors_value": 3819,
    "mentions_value": 4987,
    "sponsored_ratio_prc": 6.48,
    "cpe_value": 1.425098,
    "sponsored": {
        "emv": 4284329,
        "reach": 11634334,
        "contributors": 223,
        "mentions": 323,
        "price_sum": 559816
    "likely_sponsored": {
        "emv": 5329684,
        "reach": 11969270,
        "contributors": 520,
        "mentions": 716,
        "price_sum": 1004039
    "price": {
        "sum_from": 419590,
        "sum_to": 1259310
    "content_top_hashtags": [
            "title": "gucci",
            "value": 156
            "title": "alessandromichele",
            "value": 26
            "title": "fashion",
            "value": 22
            "title": "stanleykubrick",
            "value": 18
            "title": "ootd",
            "value": 16
            "title": "guccieyewear",
            "value": 15
            "title": "exquisitegucci",
            "value": 13
            "title": "gucciattache",
            "value": 12
            "title": "guccishoes",
            "value": 10
            "title": "theshining",
            "value": 10

Get Posts

Get the posts from the report of an Instagram account:

POST https://hypeauditor.com/api/marketanalysis/instagramCompetitorAnalysis/posts

Request Format

Request type supported:

  • Content-Type: application/json with json body request:
report_idstrReport unique ID
fromintNumber of page
sizeintNumber of posts per page

Response Object

The Response Object contains an array of posts objects:

post_datestrPost Date in yyyy/mm/dd
accountstrInstagram account username
account_urlstrInstagram account URL
poststrPost caption
post_urlstrPost URL code
type_of_payedstrType of post, ex. organic
post_erfloatPost Engagement Rate
post_reachintPost Reach
post_performancefloatPost Performance
post_likesintNumber of likes
post_commentsintNumber of comments
post_video_viewsintNumber of post views
account_typestrType of account, ex. Human
account_categorystrType of category
account_is_verifiedbooleanAccount is verified
account_followersintNumber of account followers
account_audience_countrystrCountry Code in ISO 3166 two letters
account_audience_regionstrAudience region
account_audience_agestrAudience age
account_audience_genderstrAccount audience gender, ex. Female
account_aqsintBlogger AQS
account_erfloatBlogger Engagement Rate
account_quality_audienceintBlogger quality audience
account_quality_audience_prcfloatBlogger quality audience percentage
account_reachintBlogger reach
total_accounts_postsintNumber of account posts
account_posts_performancefloatPerformance of account posts
account_avg_likes_per_postsintAverage of account likes per post
account_avg_comments_per_postsintAverage of account comments per post
account_est_budgetintEstimated account budget


        "post_date": "2022-09-08",
        "account": "zkdlin",
        "account_url": "https://instagram.com/zkdlin",
        "post": "@gucci @alessandro_michele \n@dazedkorea \n#gucci #exquisitegucci #dazedkorea",
        "post_url": "https://instagram.com/p/CiPaW3vPyhh",
        "type_of_payed": "sponsored",
        "post_er": "15.3%",
        "post_reach": 1852046,
        "post_performance": 4.824712,
        "post_likes": 2153321,
        "post_comments": 32257,
        "post_video_views": 0,
        "account_type": "Brand",
        "account_category": "Music",
        "account_is_verified": "yes",
        "account_followers": 14176040,
        "account_audience_country": "FR",
        "account_audience_region": "",
        "account_audience_age": "18-24",
        "account_audience_gender": "female",
        "account_aqs": 91,
        "account_er": "11.19%",
        "account_quality_audience": 11644199,
        "account_quality_audience_prc": "82.14%",
        "account_reach": 1852046,
        "total_accounts_posts": 3,
        "account_posts_performance": 0.714712,
        "account_avg_likes_per_posts": 1577801.7,
        "account_avg_comments_per_posts": 17218.3,
        "account_est_budget": "$119046.00"

Error codes

If an error occurs while processing the request, a corresponding message will be returned:

    "error": {
        "code": 103,
        "description": "Invalid user Id"
8Report not found
26You do not have enough credits
27You do not have API access
34Account is suspended
103Invalid user ID