API Endpoints

HypeAuditor For TikTok


Get the report of a TikTok channel if it’s ready or requests the report if it’s not ready.

GET https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.tiktok/?channel={channel}

Channel is TikTok username (littlebig) from the url of TikTok channel (https://www.tiktok.com/@littlebig).



  • littlebig report is free, use it to test the API.
  • A report request costs 1 credit. If we cannot build a report due to reuqested social platform account restrictions or errors, 1 credit will be returned after the unsuccessful generation attempt. To check the number of remaining credits, please refer to restTokens field in the fetched response.
  • First check of the username costs 1 credit and the report will be accessible for 1 year. Next check after 365 days will also cost 1 credit.

Images (posts and avatars)

Pictures stored on our CDN side (cdn.hypeauditor.com/*) have a lifespan of 28 days. You should re-request them if you cache their URIs on your side.




Error codes

You will receive an error if the requested channel is not found, does not have videos or views.

  • CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND channel not found on TikTok
  • NO_VIDEOS channel does not have videos
  • NO_VIEWS channel does not have views

Response Object

report_statestringTikTok report state
report_qualitystringTikTok report quality
reportobjectTikTok report data


String report_state identifies if the requested report is fully ready or lacks demographic data due to the low audience activity. List of report states:

Report stateDescription
READYReport is fully ready and contains all metrics
READY_LOW_CONFIDENCEReport lacks metrics audience_age_gender, audience_geo, audience_by_type
NOT_READYReport is still generating, check again later

Report Object

basicobjectgeneral information about the channel
metricsobjectchannel metrics and calculated metrics
featuresobjectrich data about channel

Basic Object

idstringchannel id
usernamestringchannel username
titlestringchannel title
avatar_urlstringchannel avatar url
descriptionstringchannel description

Metrics Object

Each metrics objects may contain value field and performance object. Performance object may contain 5 periods of data: (7d for 7 days data30d for 30, 90d for 90, 180d for 180 and all for all-time data). Each period object contains value computed for current period (7/30/90/180d) and value_prev computed for the same period before current. For example: on 4th of July value shows data for Jun 5 - Jul 4 and value_prev shows data for May 4 - Jun 4. Note: value and values in performance are not the same. all objects contain last two years data.


performance.valuefloatNumber of media content per week in a period of time
performance.markstringMark for media content per week in a period of time, ex. “very_good”
performance.mark_tittlestringMark title for media content per week in a period of time, ex. “VERY_GOOD”
performance.similarfloatNumber of media content per week in a period of time for similar accounts
performance.periodstringPeriod media, ex. “PER_WEEK”
valuefloatNumber of media content per week
markstringMark for media content per week, ex. “average”
similarfloatNumber of media content per week for similar accounts


valueintNumber of total subscribers
performance.valueintnumber of new subscribers in a given period


performance.valueintnumber of average views in a given period


performance.valuefloatvalue in a given period
performance.markstringmark ex.”very_good”
performance.similarfloatvalue for similar accounts


valueintER value
mark_titlestringquality mark_title
performance.valuefloater value in a given period
performance.markstringmark ex.”average”
performance.similarfloatvalue for similar accounts


performance.valueintlast observed average number of likes and dislikes
performance.valueintaverage number of likes and dislikes in a given period


valueintNumber of total likes
performance.valueintNumber of new likes in a given period
performance.value_previntNumber of new likes in a previous period


valueintNumber of total media
performance.valueintNumber of new media in a given period
performance.markstringmark ex. “good”
performance.mark_tittlestringmark title ex. “LOW”
performance.similarintNumber of media in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.similar_minintMin number of media in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.similar_maxintMax number of media in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.value_previntNumber of new media in a previous period


valuefloatLikes views ratio through all time activity
performance.valuefloatLikes views ratio in a given period
performance.markstringmark ex. “poor”
performance.mark_tittlestringmark title ex. “GOOD”
performance.similarfloatLikes views ratio a in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.similar_minfloatMin likes views ratio in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.similar_maxfloatMax likes views ratio in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.value_prevfloatLikes views ratio in a previous period


valueintNumber of total comments
performance.valueintNumber of new comments in a given period
performance.value_previntNumber of new comments in a previous period


views_followers_ratio contains object performance for given periods of time. Each object contains the following fields:

performance.valuefloatViews followers ratio in a given period
performance.markstringmark ex. “fair”
performance.mark_titlestringmark title ex. “BELOW_AVERAGE”
performance.similarfloatViews followers ratio a in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.similar_minfloatMin views followers ratio in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.similar_maxfloatMax views followers ratio in a given period of similar bloggers
performance.value_prevfloatViews followers ratio in a previous period


share_count contains object performance for given periods of time. Each object contains the following fields:

performance.valueintnumber of new shares in a given period
performance.value_previntnumber of new shares in a previous period


valueintNumber of total followings


comments_avg contains object performance for given periods of time.

valuefloatlast observed number of comments
performance.valuefloataverage number of comments in a given period
performance.minfloatminimum average number of comments in a given period
performance.minfloatmaximum average number of comments in a given period


shares_avg contains object performance for given periods of time.

valuefloatlast observed number of shares
performance.valuefloataverage number of shares in a given period
performance.minfloatminimum average number of shares in a given period
performance.minfloatmaximum average number of shares in a given period


comments_like_ratio contains object performance for given periods of time.

valueintComments to likes ratio value
mark_titlestringquality mark_title, ex. “AVERAGE”
performance.valuefloatvalue in a given period
performance.markstringquality mark, ex. “average”
performance.similarfloatvalue for similar accounts in a given period




The object post_frequency is deprecated, instead, please refer to media_per_week object.

performance.valuefloatvalue in a given period
performance.markstringquality mark
performance.similarfloatsimilar accounts value


Viral potential

markstringquality mark, ex. “average”
similarfloatsimilar accounts value


markstringquality mark, ex. “poor”
similarfloatsimilar accounts value


  • poor
  • fair
  • average
  • good
  • excellent

Features Object


Audience age gender distribution. If object is null that means no data available for channel.

dataobjectDict of age objects. Each age object contains two genders (male and female).

Age objects are: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+


Audience type

dataobjectkeys: real, bots, infs, mass

real = Generators mass = Consumers bots = Suspicious infs = Influencers


Audience geo. If object is null that means no data available for channel.

dataarrayarray of {code: string, prc: float} objects. Code is ISO Alpha-2 two letter country code.


Audience languages

dataarrayarray of {title: string, prc: float} objects. Title is ISO Alpha-2 two letter language code.


Audience Ethnicity

dataobjectkeys: asian, caucasian, hispanic, indian, african, arabian


Account Quality Score.

data.valueintAQS value
data.markstringone of: poor, fair, average, good, very_good, excellent
data.descriptionobjectpros & cons for aqs, possible keys (may be null): er, comments_likes_ratio, account_growth
data.description.{key}.markstringone of: poor, fair, average, good, very_good, excellent
data.description.{key}.description.title.keystringdescription of key, ex. “GOOD_CL_RATIO”
data.description.{key}.description.title.textstringdescription of text, ex. “Good comments to likes ratio”


dataarray of objectsEach dot on the plot is a video, X coordinate is views number, Y is likes number. Predicted number of views is green, “for you” videos (that receive more views) are violet.


data.recommendedfloat% of posts hit For-You tab


data.{time_period}.value.{likes_group}intCount of media with given count of likes in a given period
data.{time_period}.value_prev.{likes_group}intCount of media with given count of likes in a previous period


data.countrystringTwo char country code


dataarrayList of two char language codes


data.time_posted_desc.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by time posted descendent in given period
data.most_recent_media.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by most recent media in given period
data.er_desc.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media with max engagement rate in given period
data.most_engaging_media.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by most engaging media in given period
data.views_desc.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by views descendent in given period
data.most_viewed_media.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media with max views count in given period
data.comments_desc.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by number of comments in descendent in given period
data.most_commented_media.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by most commented media in given period
data.likes_desc.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by number of likes in descendent in given period
data.most_liked_media.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by most liked media in given period
data.shares_desc.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media sorted by number of shares in descendent in given period
data.most_viral_media.performance.{time_period}.media_idsintIds list of media with max virality in given period




The object blogger_challenges_performance is deprecated, thus the data is not updated.

Challenges_stats object contains 6 periods of data: (7d for 7 days, 30d for 30 days, 90d for 90 days, 180d for 180 days, 365d for 365 days and all for all periods).

data.challenges_stats.performance.{time_period}.commercial_countintCount of challenges in a period
data.challenges_stats.performance.{time_period}.post_idsarrayIds posts with challenges
data.challenges_stats.performance.{time_period}.basic_stats.challengearrayHashtags of challenges
data.challenges_stats.performance.{period}.commercial_countintcount of commercial challenges
data.challenges_stats.performance.{period}.post_idsarraylist of posts (from posts lists) with commercial challenge for {period}
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.idstringid of post
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.textstringpost text
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.is_commercialboolis commercial flag
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.is_potentially_commercialboolis potentially commercial flag
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.comment_settingboolare comments allowed for the post: 0
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.thumbnailstringthumbnail image link
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.thumbnail_gifstringgif thumbnail image link
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.time_postedstringwhen post was posted
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.exact_create_timeintwhen post was posted (timestamp)
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.is_recommendedboolwas post in a “For you” section
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.challengesarraylist of challenges objects
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.challenges.idstringid of challange
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.challenges.namestringname of challenge
data.posts.{post_id}.basic.challenges.is_commercialboolis this challenge commercial
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.views_count.valueintcount of views
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.likes_count.valueintcount of likes
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.comments_count.valueintcount of comments
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.shares_count.valueintcount of shares
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.length_sec.valueintlength of video in seconds
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.virality.valuefloatvirality (%) (shares / views)
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.er.valuefloater value
data.posts.{post_id}.metrics.challenges_count.valueintcount of challenges
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.basic.idstringid of challenge
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.basic.namestringname of challenge
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.basic.descriptionstringdescription of challenge
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.basic.thumbnailstringthumbnail link
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.basic.is_commercialboolis challenge commercial flag
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.basic.is_potentially_commercialboolis challenge potentially commercial flag
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.metrics.views_count.valueintcount of total challenge views
data.challenges.{challenge_id}.metrics.users_count.valueintcount of total challenge users
data.has_launched_advertisingboolflag is this influencer already has launched advertising


data.post_priceintForecasted price of post
data.post_price_fromintpost price limit from
data.post_price_tointpost price limit to
data.cpmfloatcost per mille value
data.cpm_fromfloatcost per mille value limit from
data.cpm_tofloatcost per mille value limit to
data.cpm_markstringcost per mille mark. ex. ”poor”
data.cpm_similarfloatcost per mille value for similar accounts


dataarrayList of ids blogger categories


data.emvintForecasted EMV
data.emv_fromintEMV limit from
data.emv_tointEMV limit to
data.emv_per_dollarintEMV limit from per dollar value
data.emv_similarintEMV of similar bloggers
data.emv_markintmark of EMV


  • excellent
  • very_good
  • good
  • fair
  • poor


dataarrayList of blogger emails


data.sentiments.POSITIVE.countintcount of positive comments
data.sentiments.POSITIVE.prcfloatprc of positive comments
data.sentiments.NEUTRAL.countintcount of neutral comments
data.sentiments.NEUTRAL.prcfloatprc of neutral comments
data.sentiments.NEGATIVE.countintcount of negative comments
data.sentiments.NEGATIVE.prcfloatprc of negative comments
data.scoreintfinal score
data.comments_countintcount of comments
data.posts_countintcount of posts


Links to other blogger social networks . If object is null that means no data available for channel.

dataarrayarray of {type: int, title: string, social_id: string, avatar_url: string, subscribers_count: int} objects.
Type is integer code of social network,
social_id is identifier in this network,
title is name in social network,
avatar_url is link to avatar,
subscribers_count is count of subscribers.

Social networks ids map:

IdSocial network


Set YOUR_ID and YOUR_TOKEN from HypeAuditor.

curl -X POST \
  https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.tiktok \
  -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -H 'x-auth-id: %YOUR_ID%' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: %YOUR_TOKEN%' \
  -d channel=littlebig  \
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, [
   CURLOPT_URL => 'https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.tiktok',
       'channel' => 'littlebig'
       'x-auth-id: YOUR_ID',
       'x-auth-token: YOUR_TOKEN'

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
   echo 'cURL Error #:' . $err;
} else {
   echo $response;



You don’t need to pre-request the report from web, you can request it directly from API.

Sample request

GET https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.tiktok/?channel=littlebig

Sample response

    "result": {
    "report_state": "READY",
    "report_quality": "NO_POSTS_7D",
        "report": {
            "basic": {
                "id": "6557821753438371845",
                "username": "littlebig",
                "title": "littlebig",
                "avatar_url": "https://cdn.hypeauditor.com/img/tiktok/user/6557821753438371845.jpg?w=150&till=1663412400&sign=f6541e7e1c5fc9c75add25dd66c0f634",
                "description": "Russian punk-rave band LITTLE BIG"
            "metrics": {
                "media_per_week": {
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 4,
                            "mark": "good",
                            "mark_title": "GOOD",
                            "similar": 3,
                            "period": "PER_WEEK"
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 1.17,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 4.9,
                            "period": "PER_WEEK"
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 0.78,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 4.74,
                            "period": "PER_WEEK"
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 0.39,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 2.68,
                            "period": "PER_WEEK"
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 0.44,
                            "mark": "fair",
                            "mark_title": "BELOW_AVERAGE",
                            "similar": 0.71,
                            "period": "PER_WEEK"
                        "all": {
                            "value": 0.92,
                            "mark": "good",
                            "mark_title": "GOOD",
                            "similar": 0.67,
                            "period": "PER_WEEK"
                    "value": 1.17,
                    "mark": "low",
                    "similar": 0
                "subscribers_count": {
                    "value": 4600000,
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 100000
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 100000
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 100000
                "views_avg": {
                    "value": 695400,
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 137500
                "subscribers_growth_prc": {
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 2.22,
                            "mark": "very_good",
                            "similar": 0
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 2.22,
                            "mark": "average",
                            "similar": 0
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 2.22,
                            "mark": "fair",
                            "similar": 5.643824
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 2.22,
                            "mark": "fair",
                            "similar": 22.008695
                "er": {
                    "value": 7.05,
                    "mark_title": "BELOW_AVERAGE",
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 8.43,
                            "mark": "average",
                            "similar": 9.101883
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 8.3,
                            "mark": "average",
                            "similar": 8.694697
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 8.3,
                            "mark": "average",
                            "similar": 8.335672
                "alikes_avg": {
                    "value": 43950,
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 11500,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 11450,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 11450,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 39700,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                "likes_count": {
                    "value": 33200000,
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 42122,
                            "value_prev": 46000
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 88122,
                            "value_prev": 48422
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 136544,
                            "value_prev": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 136544,
                            "value_prev": 2117400
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 2253944,
                            "value_prev": 15007975
                        "all": {
                            "value": 35009391,
                            "value_prev": null
                "media_count": {
                    "value": 89,
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 4,
                            "mark": "good",
                            "mark_title": "GOOD",
                            "similar": 3,
                            "similar_min": 2,
                            "similar_max": 3,
                            "value_prev": 1
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 5,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 21,
                            "similar_min": 16,
                            "similar_max": 27,
                            "value_prev": 5
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 10,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 61,
                            "similar_min": 48,
                            "similar_max": 77,
                            "value_prev": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 10,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 69,
                            "similar_min": 59,
                            "similar_max": 83,
                            "value_prev": 13
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 23,
                            "mark": "fair",
                            "mark_title": "BELOW_AVERAGE",
                            "similar": 37,
                            "similar_min": 29,
                            "similar_max": 46,
                            "value_prev": 43
                        "all": {
                            "value": 96,
                            "mark": "good",
                            "mark_title": "GOOD",
                            "similar": 70,
                            "similar_min": 60,
                            "similar_max": 85,
                            "value_prev": null
                "likes_views_ratio": {
                    "value": null,
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 0.25,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 16.815248,
                            "similar_min": 15.302255,
                            "similar_max": 18.683242,
                            "value_prev": 1.01
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 0.25,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 13.754108,
                            "similar_min": 12.345611,
                            "similar_max": 15.325047,
                            "value_prev": 0.25
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 0.26,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 12.458707,
                            "similar_min": 11.270689,
                            "similar_max": 13.935077,
                            "value_prev": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 0.26,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 12.165897,
                            "similar_min": 11.034529,
                            "similar_max": 13.610325,
                            "value_prev": 1.4
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 0.9,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 12.05341,
                            "similar_min": 10.94369,
                            "similar_max": 13.405118,
                            "value_prev": 2.55
                        "all": {
                            "value": 3.96,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 12.015841,
                            "similar_min": 10.903666,
                            "similar_max": 13.37647,
                            "value_prev": null
                "comments_count": {
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 248,
                            "value_prev": 164
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 412,
                            "value_prev": 608
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 1020,
                            "value_prev": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 1020,
                            "value_prev": 12628
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 13648,
                            "value_prev": 66547
                        "all": {
                            "value": 153677,
                            "value_prev": null
                "views_followers_ratio": {
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 2.73,
                            "mark": "fair",
                            "mark_title": "BELOW_AVERAGE",
                            "similar": 4.98,
                            "similar_min": 3.63,
                            "similar_max": 6.55,
                            "value_prev": 21.74
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 2.99,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 7.86,
                            "similar_min": 6.19,
                            "similar_max": 10.1,
                            "value_prev": 2.85
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 2.92,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 8.73,
                            "similar_min": 6.81,
                            "similar_max": 11.3,
                            "value_prev": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 2.92,
                            "mark": "poor",
                            "mark_title": "LOW",
                            "similar": 9.56,
                            "similar_min": 7.57,
                            "similar_max": 12.18,
                            "value_prev": 23.91
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 14.68,
                            "mark": "good",
                            "mark_title": "GOOD",
                            "similar": 9.92,
                            "similar_min": 7.95,
                            "similar_max": 12.67,
                            "value_prev": 23.91
                        "all": {
                            "value": 38.04,
                            "mark": "excellent",
                            "mark_title": "EXCELLENT",
                            "similar": 9.72,
                            "similar_min": 7.73,
                            "similar_max": 12.35,
                            "value_prev": null
                "shares_count": {
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "value": 501,
                            "value_prev": 209
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 710,
                            "value_prev": 358
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 1068,
                            "value_prev": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 1068,
                            "value_prev": 19109
                        "365d": {
                            "value": 20177,
                            "value_prev": 135404
                        "all": {
                            "value": 396784,
                            "value_prev": null
                "following_count": {
                    "value": 3
                "comments_avg": {
                    "value": 252.5,
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 56,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                        "90d": {
                            "value": 75,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                        "180d": {
                            "value": 75,
                            "min": null,
                            "max": null
                "shares_avg": {
                    "value": 209.5,
                    "performance": {
                        "30d": {
                            "value": 170,
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