API Endpoints

Get reports of specified list


GET https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.list?id=0&limit=10&offset=0

Return the reports of a specified list.

Request Parameters

idintRequired field, List ID
limitintLimit, default=100, max=100
offsetintOffset, default=0

List item object

Common fields for all report types

report_idintReport ID
namestringChannel name
usernamestringReport username or channel ID (for YT)
typestringReport type: IG, YT, TT, TW, TR
followersintBlogger followers/subscribers
commentstringReport comment. Can be changed on web interface
listsstringComma devided list ids
createdintDate of first report request

Additional fields for IG report type

quality_audiencestringQuality Audience
auth_engagementstringAuthentic Engagement
aqsstringAudience Quality Score
erfloatEngagement rate, %
audience_agestringAudience age group, %
audience_geostringAudience country, %

Response example

    "result": [
            "report_id": 678,
            "name": "LittleBig Band",
            "username": "littlebig",
            "type": "TT",
            "followers": 2600000,
            "er": 1.34,
            "audience_age": "13-17 54%",
            "audience_geo": "RU 74.76%",
            "comment": null,
            "lists": "0",
            "created": 1602857408
            "report_id": 770,
            "name": "NASA",
            "username": "nasa",
            "type": "IG",
            "followers": 61284055,
            "er": 8.6,
            "quality_audience": 51313139,
            "auth_engagement": 702990,
            "aqs": 97,
            "audience_age": "25-34 38%",
            "audience_geo": "US 15.49%",
            "comment": null,
            "lists": "0",
            "created": 1565617984
            "report_id": 15,
            "name": "karlireese",
            "username": "UCeIlPxGXbLV1tL3w-B5I6uw",
            "type": "YT",
            "followers": 443876,
            "er": 6.4,
            "audience_age": null,
            "audience_geo": null,
            "comment": null,
            "lists": "0",
            "created": 1602234547
            "report_id": 126,
            "name": "Wylsacom",
            "username": "UCt7sv-NKh44rHAEb-qCCxvA",
            "type": "YT",
            "followers": 9660559,
            "er": 3.39,
            "audience_age": "25-34 36%",
            "audience_geo": "RU 74.24%",
            "comment": null,
            "lists": "0,130",
            "created": 1565795644