HypeAuditor For Instagram


Get content media of an Instagram account:

GET https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.reportMedia/?username=username

username is Instagram report username.

Endpoint returns the media objects.



  • Object most_media in Instagram Report has deprecated since 31/05/2023. Please, refer to this Endpoint.



Account Media response is available for Instagram Reports unlocked previously; otherwise, access is denied:

    "error": {
        "code": 15,
        "description": "Access denied"

Response Object


media_ids Object

Object media_ids contains 4 objects: all, posts, igtv, and reels. Each object contains:

time_posted_descobjectposts sorted in descending order by time
er_desc.objectposts sorted in descending order by ER
likes_descobjectposts sorted in descending order by likes
comments_desc.objectposts sorted in descending order by comments
views_desc.objectposts sorted in descending order by views

Each of these objects contains performance object. Performance object contains 3 periods of data: (30d for 30 days, 90d for 90 days, and 180d for 180 days). Each period of time contains the following attributes:

metrics.likes_avg.value.intaverage of likes
metrics.comments_avg.valueintaverage of comments
metrics.video_views_avg.valueintaverage of views
metrics.er_avg.value.floataverage of ER
metrics.er_avg.similar.floataverage of ER for similar accounts
metrics.er_avg.mark.stringmark, ex. ‘average’
metrics.deleted_media.valueintnumber of deleted posts
metrics.deleted_media.similarintnumber of deleted posts for similar accounts
metrics.deleted_media.markstringmark, ex. ‘average’
media_idsarrayarray of strings containing media ids

media Object

Hash map where keys is media id and value is media object

basicobjectMain data about media
metricsobjectMetrics data about media

media basic Object

idstringMedia identifier, can be used to map with metrics
codestringInstagram post URL
captionstringPost caption
preview_urlstringLink to image stored in our cdn
time_postedtimestampPublication date of the post
typestringType of content, e.g. ‘post’, ‘reel’, ‘igtv’
is_deletedboleanPost is deleted
social_typestringSocial Type. ig for Instagram
thumbnailstringLink to thumbnail image stored in our cdn

media metrics Object

likes_countintAmount of likes
comments_countintAmount of comments
video_views_countintAmount of views
erfloatEngagement rate
er_marstringEngagement rate mark. E.g.: good


  • excellent
  • very_good
  • good
  • fair
  • poor


Set YOUR_ID and YOUR_TOKEN from HypeAuditor.

curl -X POST \
	https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.reportMedia \
  -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -H 'x-auth-id: %YOUR_ID%' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: %YOUR_TOKEN%' \
  -d username=nasa  \
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, [
   CURLOPT_URL => 'https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.reportMedia',
       'username' => 'nasa'
       'x-auth-id: YOUR_ID',
       'x-auth-token: YOUR_TOKEN'

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
   echo 'cURL Error #:' . $err;
} else {
   echo $response;

Sample request

GET https://hypeauditor.com/api/method/auditor.reportMedia/?username=nasa

Sample response

    "result": {
        "media_ids": {
            "all": {
                "time_posted_desc": {
                    "performance": {
                        "7d": {
                            "metrics": {
                                "likes_avg": {
                                    "value": 997315
                                "comments_avg": {
                                    "value": 2180
                                "video_views_avg": {
                                    "value": 2145650
                                "er_avg": {
                                    "value": 1.08,
                                    "similar": 0.76,
                                    "mark": "average"
                                "deleted_media": {
                                    "value": 0,
                                    "similar": 0,
                                    "mark": "low"
                            "media_ids": [
                        "30d": {
                            "metrics": {
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                                    "value": 906842
                                "comments_avg": {
                                    "value": 1970
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                                    "value": 2342209
                                "er_avg": {
                                    "value": 0.98,
                                    "similar": 0.76,
                                    "mark": "average"
                                "deleted_media": {
                                    "value": 0,
                                    "similar": 0,
                                    "mark": "low"
                            "media_ids": [
                        "90d": {
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                                "likes_avg": {
                                    "value": 1074538
                                "comments_avg": {
                                    "value": 2188
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                                    "value": 2809881.5
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                                    "value": 1.16,
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                                    "mark": "average"
                                "deleted_media": {
                                    "value": 0,
                                    "similar": 0,
                                    "mark": "low"
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                        "180d": {
                            "metrics": {
                                "likes_avg": {
                                    "value": 1131420
                                "comments_avg": {
                                    "value": 2203
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                                    "value": 2538768
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                                    "value": 1.22,
                                    "similar": 0.76,
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                                    "value": 1,
                                    "similar": 0,
                                    "mark": "low"
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                                    "value": 997315
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                                    "value": 2180
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                                    "value": 2145650
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                                    "value": 1.08,
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                                    "value": 0,
                                    "similar": 0,
                                    "mark": "low"
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                                    "value": 906842
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                                    "value": 1970
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                                    "value": 2342209
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                                    "value": 0.98,
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                                    "value": 0,
                                    "similar": 0,
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                        "90d": {
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                                    "value": 2188
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                                    "value": 2809881.5
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                                    "value": 0,
                                    "similar": 0,
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                                    "value": 1131420
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                                    "value": 2203
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                                    "value": 2538768
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                                    "value": 1.22,
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                                    "value": 1,
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                                    "value": 2145650
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                                    "value": 0,
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                                    "value": 0,
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                                    "value": 0,
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                                    "value": 1,
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            "igtv": {
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                    "performance": {
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                        "30d": {
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                                "er_avg": {
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                    "caption": "Phenomenal cosmic powers... itty bitty infrared telescope⁣\n⁣\nThe James Webb Space Telescope may be the largest space-based telescope, but these galaxies can make even our tennis court-sized telescope feel small. These images of NGC 7496, NGC 1365 and NGC 1433 (from left to right) reveal the galaxies' networks of gas and dust in extraordinary detail. This data is part of an ongoing Webb survey of 19 spiral galaxies.⁣\n⁣\nWebb’s high-resolution infrared data fills in missing puzzle pieces, complementing the science from telescopes in other wavelengths. By aligning these data sets, the team will be able to accelerate new discoveries.⁣\n⁣\nLearn more at the link in @NASAWebb’s bio.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: Science - NASA, ESA, CSA, and J. Lee (NOIRLab). Image processing - A. Pagan (STScI)⁣\n⁣\nImage descriptions:⁣\nNGC 7496: A gray, web-like spiral galaxy on a black background. Eight red diffraction spikes extend out from its extremely bright core. Colorful dots in the background represent background galaxies.⁣\n⁣\nNGC 1365: Close-up of a wispy spiral galaxy on a black background. It features a glowing, light pink core in an elongated oval shape. Red streaks appear to emanate out of the core. The lower right portion of the galaxy’s arms extend out of frame. Throughout the image, a smattering of tiny red dots represent background galaxies.⁣\n⁣\nNGC 1433: A gray spiral galaxy with a bright white, circular core. Its spiral arms resemble spider web threads. Red dots are scattered throughout the black background.⁣\n⁣\n#JWST #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #Spiral #Galaxies #NASA #Space #Universe⁣",
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                    "caption": "Ignite the light, and let it shine! 🎆\n\nThis collection of stars that shimmer like a fireworks display were captured by @nasahubble in August and December 2009. The nebula, located 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina, contains a central cluster of huge, hot stars, and is surrounded by clouds of interstellar gas and dust - the raw material for new star formation. Its relative closeness to Earth makes it an excellent lab for studying such distant and momentous events. \n\nStar clusters like this provide important clues to understanding the origin of massive star formation in the early, distant universe. Astronomers also use massive clusters to study distant starbursts that occur when galaxies collide, igniting a flurry of star formation.\n\nImage description: A shimmering star cluster. The center of the image is dominated by a bright glowing collection of stars, reminiscent of fireworks in the night sky. Below the collection of stars a wispy veil of white-blue gas and dust conceals stars behind its surface. The background of the image is peppered with the white, yellow, orange, and red dots of distant stars upon empty pockets of space in dark navy and black. \n\nCredit: NASA, ESA, R. O'Connell (University of Virginia), F. Paresce (National Institute for Astrophysics, Bologna, Italy), E. Young (Universities Space Research Association/Ames Research Center), the WFC3 Science Oversight Committee, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)\n\n#NASA #Space #Stars #Fireworks #Hubble #Cosmos #KatyPerry",
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                    "caption": "I don't sweat, I sparkle 🎇⁣\n⁣\n@NASAHubble captured the remnants of the cataclysmic death of a star 160,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Dorado – in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) – a \"small\" satellite galaxy to our own, the Milky Way.⁣\n⁣\nAstronomers pointed the telescope at this supernova remnant to discern the origin of a soft gamma-ray repeater – an object that sends bursts of high-energy rays into the cosmos.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Black space gives way to a bright yellow and blue supernova that twists and turns in an intricate knot. The surrounding space is dotted with red and white stars.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: @EuropeanSpaceAgency/Hubble & NASA, S. Kulkarni, Y. Chu⁣\n⁣\n#Space #LMC #NASA #ESA #Astrophotography #Cosmos #Hubble",
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                    "caption": "Shine bright, shine far, be a star.\n\nThese bright blue swirls are the spiral galaxy NGC 6956, located 214 million light-years away in the constellation Delphinus. Scientists used our @nasahubble Space Telescope to image and study the galaxy’s Cepheid variable stars, which are stars that brighten and dim at regular periods.\n\nScientists can measure how bright these stars appear from Earth and compare it to their actual brightness to calculate their distance. As a result, these stars are extremely useful in determining the distance of cosmic objects, which is one of the hardest pieces of information to measure for extragalactic objects.\n\nNGC 6956 also contains a Type Ia (read \"type one-A\") supernova. Like Cepheid variable stars, we can determine the distance of these types of supernovae by studying their brightness and how fast they dim over time; these measurements help us refine our understanding of the rate of expansion of the universe, also known as the Hubble Constant.\n\nImage description: Spiral galaxy NGC 6956 is comprised of blue swirls and reddish-brown stripes. Stars, gas, and dust within the galaxy give it a shimmering appearance in some areas. The galaxy stands out against the inky black backdrop of space, which is dotted with stars and other galaxies.\n\nCredit: NASA, ESA, and D. Jones (University of California – Santa Cruz); Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)\n\n#NASA #Galaxy #Hubble #Supernova #Astronomy #Telescope",
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                    "caption": "Back to the grind\r\rOur Perseverance Mars rover collects a sample from an outcrop the science team calls “Berea” using a coring bit on the end of its robotic arm. These images were taken by one of the rover’s front hazard cameras.\r\rA key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology – the search for signs life beyond Earth. The samples of Martian rock and dust that Perseverance takes are intended to be collected and returned by future missions in partnership with @EuropeanSpaceAgency for analysis on Earth.\r\rImage descriptions:\r1. A short video clip shows NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover collecting a sample from a rocky outcrop. Tailings pile up around the coring bit as it grinds into the rock.\r\r2. A wider view of the rocky outcrop the Perseverance science team calls “Berea” after the NASA Mars rover extracted a rock core (right) and abraded a circular patch (left). Part of the rover's wheel can be seen in the lower left.\rCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech\r\r#NASA #NASAJPL #NASAPerseverance #Mars #Space #Planets #SolarSystem #Astrobiology",
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                    "caption": "It’s @NASAWebb’s world, and now we can all live in it.⁣\n⁣\nLet us take you to space with our new AR effect. Step into a portal, immerse yourself in stunning Webb imagery, and explore the telescope.⁣\n⁣\nTo find it, head to our account and tap on the sparkles icon. ✨And check out Webb’s latest image, unveiled at #SXSW, at the link in @NASAWebb’s bio.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/ Sonnet Apple / (Music) Universal Production⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #JWST #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #Space #UnfoldTheUniverse #Galaxies #Stars #AugmentedReality",
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                    "caption": "Houston, we have Posty⁣\n⁣\nAs we approach #EarthDay, watch @PostMalone get astronaut-struck as he chats with two crew members aboard the @ISS, Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg.⁣\n⁣\nHear the astronauts talk about their favorite views from the orbiting laboratory, how their unique perspective changed how they see Earth, and what makes our home special. ⁣\n⁣\nVideo description: The video cuts between timelapse footage of the ISS as it flies over Earth, to Post Malone as he talks with Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg, who float in the orbiting laborartory. Posty is wearing a black shirt with white accents, and the astronauts are wearing blue polos and khakis.⁣\n⁣\nEditor: Mitch Youts⁣\nProducers: Bert Ulrich, Dylan Mathis⁣\nMusic from Universal Production Music⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#PostMalone #NASA #Space #ISS #Crew6 #Earth",
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                    "caption": "Ring-a-ding-ding! 🪐\n\nThis image of Saturn was captured by the Cassini spacecraft while it orbited about 700,000  miles (1.1 million kilometers) from the planet in 2007. \n\nThe changing length of the shadow marks the passing of the seasons on Saturn. As the planet slowly neared its equinox which occurred in 2009, the ring-casted shadows slid further south. Saturn's equinoxes occur approximately every 15 Earth years, with the next one expected on May 6, 2025. \n\nAs Saturn approaches its equinox, the point in a planet's orbit where the Sun shines directly overhead at the equator, its rings become mainly illuminated by the sunlight which reflects off the planet’s surface. Hence, the section of the rings illuminated by planetshine are much brighter than the section of the rings illuminated by direct sunlight. \n\nImage description: Saturn and its rings. The creamy browns of Saturn and its rings stand out against the darkness of space. Most of the planet’s rings are illuminated except a lone section that is covered in darkness, creating a shape like a letter “c” out of the rings. In the northernmost areas of Saturn wispy bright clouds play in the blue-gray skies of the region. Three of Saturn's moons are visible in this image: Mimas at the 2 o'clock position, Janus at the 4 o'clock position and Pandora at the 8 o'clock position. \n\nCredit: Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute\n\n#NASA #Space #SolarSystem #Saturn #Cassini #Rings #Orbit #Equinox",
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                    "caption": "On April 8, our Juno spacecraft completed its 50th close approach of the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. After traveling 1.7 billion miles (2.7 billion km), the spacecraft arrived in the Jovian system (Jupiter, its moons, rings, and asteroids) in 2016, ready to study the planet’s atmosphere, magnetosphere, and structure.⁣\n⁣\nBy making close approaches to Jupiter, scientists may uncover breakthroughs about the origins of our solar system. This mosaic is a series of four images captured on Juno’s 20th close approach of the planet, from a distance between 11,600 miles (18,600 km) and 5,400 miles (8,600 km).⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Swirling clouds dominate the face of Jupiter, which is partially shaded at the bottom of the image. Storms of tan, blue, white and gray churn in flowing stripes, which get broader and more bold near the bottom of the photo before descending into the darkness of space.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill⁣\n⁣\n#Juno #Spacecraft #Jupiter #SolarSystem #GasGiant #AstroPhotography",
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                    "caption": "A pair of galaxy-crossed lovers⁣⁣.\n⁣⁣\nTwo galaxies, both alike in spiral-ness, are locked in a few hundred million-year battle ripping stars, dust, and gas out of their host galaxies, forming a streaming arc connecting the two, creating the namesake of these two galaxies, the Antennae Galaxies.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nThis feud is captured by @NASAHubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 and from past observations show the battle in brilliant color, with star-forming regions in blue and gas in bright pink and red. The 65 million light-year away galaxies are in a state of starburst – when all the gas within the galaxies creates stars – a cosmically brief time of tens of millions of years. The gravitational attraction between the two galaxies will eventually cause them to merge, forming a large elliptical spiral galaxy.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nImage description: Bright blue, pink, and red clash as the two galaxies meet. The top galaxy is almost fully elliptical at the center of the image, with plumes of red and brown escaping its core, connecting it to the galaxy near the bottom, which appears smaller and less elliptical. The two galaxies illuminate the black space around them with faint blue-gray lighting, and many stars and distant galaxies dot around the permitter of the image.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nCredit: @EuropeanSpaceAgency/Hubble & NASA⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n#Galaxy #Merge #RomeoandJuliet #Space #Astrophotography #Hubble #NASA #Galaxy",
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                    "caption": "Rocket manufacturing in a new dimension⁣\n⁣\nYou’re looking at the first launch of a test rocket made nearly entirely from 3D-printed parts! In March, the @RelativitySpace Terran 1 rocket lit up the night sky as it launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. 3D printing is key technology for enhancing capabilities and reducing cost – which can revolutionize space exploration..⁣\n⁣\nTerran 1 included nine engines that were manufactured using an innovative copper alloy developed at @NASAGlenn, known as Glenn Research Copper, or GRCop, which is designed for use in combustion chambers of high performance rockets. GRCop is a combination of copper, chromium and niobium, and can tolerate temperatures up to 40% higher than traditional copper alloys, which leads to higher performance components and reusability. Terran 1 engines experienced temperatures approaching 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit (3315 degrees Celsius).⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Terran 1’s rocket exhaust during launch in March 2023. Nine engine plumes are seen in a range of pinks, oranges, purples, and blues as the rocket lifts off.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: Relativity Space⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Space #Rocket #Launch #3D #3DPrinted #Flames #Colors #RocketScience⁣",
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                    "caption": "Sun-thing in the way she moves⁣\n⁣\nDespite being 4.5 billion years old, the Sun is still active, influencing space and planets in its orbit with solar flares, sunspots, and coronal mass ejections – known as space weather, which can interfere with satellites, GPS, and radio communications. NASA and other agencies worldwide monitor the Sun and the weather it creates 24/7 with spacecraft like the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), which captured this image using its Advanced Imaging Assembly. ⁣\n⁣\nThe SDO observes the Sun in different wavelengths of ultraviolet light. The teal assigned to this wavelength shows temperatures above 18 million °F (10 million °C) as well as cool plasmas around 720,000 °F (400,000 °C).⁣\n⁣\nOur Sun goes through phases of high and low activity roughly every 11 years, culminating in solar maximums and minimums. As the Sun approaches the next solar maximum in June 2025, activities like solar flares increase. A recent strong solar flare occurred on March 28 at 10:33 p.m. ET (March 29 at 0233 UTC), classified as an X1.2 flare. X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: An X-class flare captured in 2017 shows the swirling surface of the Sun in shades of blue with bright blue spots and flares emanating from its surface, with the brightest flare on the lower right portion of the star.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/Goddard/SDO⁣\n⁣\n#Sun #NASA #SDO #Flare #FlareForTheDramatic #SolarSystem #Blue #Star #Solar",
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                    "caption": "What a spectacle! 🧐⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nIn the constellation Draco, almost nine billion light-years away, a massive galaxy helps astronomers see its distant neighbors in this image captured by @NASAHubble.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nThe behemoth galaxy in the center of this image warps the light of galaxies behind it, making the light appear bent as if by a lens: a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing. An important consequence of this distortion? Magnification – which can help astronomers study distant galaxies by acting as a vast natural telescope which magnifies objects that would otherwise be too faint or distant to see. ⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nHubble’s sensitivity and high resolution allows it to see faint and distant gravitational lenses that cannot be detected with ground-based telescopes, whose images would be blurred by the Earth’s atmosphere. ⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nImage Description: A cluster of large galaxies, surrounded by various stars and smaller galaxies on a dark background. The central cluster is mostly made of bright elliptical galaxies that are surrounded by a warm glow. Close to the cluster core is the stretched, distorted arc of a galaxy, gravitationally lensed by the cluster.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nCredit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, H. Ebeling⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n#NASA #Hubble #Space #Astronomy #Galaxies #Astrophotography #Stars #Lensing",
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                    "caption": "Scientists have long suspected Jupiter's moon, Europa, of having a massive ocean swirling around its rocky interior under its icy shell. New research may indicate why the icy shell rotates at a different rate than its interior. Using computer modeling, astronomers believe the water may be pushing the ice shell at different rates speeding up and slowing down the icy shell over time.\n\nThe ebb and flow of the ocean may also explain the geology seen on the moon's surface, creating cracks, ridges, and cliffs as seen here by our Juno spacecraft. Scientists hope to learn more about Europa's unique make-up with our Europa-Clipper set to launch in October 2024, which will study the moon in-depth.\n\nImage description: Partially illuminated, Europa's surface is marred and cracked with brown-gray streaks creating patterns across its icy shell, which appears white and blue.\n\nCredit: \nImage data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS\nImage processing: Kevin M. Gill CC BY 3.0\n\n#Moon #Jupiter #Space #Europa #NASA\n#SolarSystem",
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                    "caption": "Simply the best. Music legend Tina Turner sparkled across the stage and into millions of hearts as the Queen of Rock 'n' Roll. Her legacy will forever live among the stars.⁣\n\nCredits: NASA, ESA, and H. Richer and J. Heyl (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada); acknowledgement: J. Mack (STScI) and G. Piotto (University of Padova, Italy)⁣\n\nImage Description: Closeup of a cluster of tightly-packed stars as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. The sparkles are reminiscent of Tina Turner’s beaded and sequined dresses she would wear on stage. The center of the cluster has the most stars, where most are blue and white. Red and orange stars are found farther from the center.",
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                    "caption": "Boldly going and leaving no crumbs 💅⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nThe #Artemis II crew chats about memorable stories wearing spacesuits during training, testing, and practical applications. The crewmates, @AstroVicGlover, @Astro_Christina, @Astro_Reid, and @CanadianSpaceAgency astronaut @AstroJeremy, will be the first to sport the bright orange Orion Crew Survival System (OCSS) suits inside the Orion spacecraft during the mission around the Moon and back. The OCSS suits are designed for a custom fit and equipped with technology features to help protect astronauts on launch day, in emergency situations, throughout high-risk parts of missions near the Moon, and during the high-speed return to Earth.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n#Astronauts #Spacewalk #Spacesuit #NASA #CSA #Space #Moon",
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                    "caption": "Absence makes the heart grow fonder ❤️⁣\n⁣\nOur New Horizons spacecraft captured this heart-shaped glacier. It lies on Pluto’s surface, which also that features mountains, cliffs, valleys, craters, and plains, thought to be made of methane and nitrogen ice. ⁣\n⁣\nPluto lies in the Kuiper belt, a donut-shaped region of icy bodies remnants from the early days of our solar system, beyond the orbit of Neptune. The small icy world is on average around 3.7 billion miles (5.9 billion kilometers) away from the Sun, but its oval shaped orbit can bring Pluto closer to than Neptune at its closest point, expanding the tenuous atmosphere as it gets closer to our Sun.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Pluto’s surface is marked with cracks and craters in shades of brown. The partially visible heart appears in the lower right of the small world, which is surrounded by black space.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute⁣\n⁣\n#Pluto #SolarSystem #Astronomy #NewHorizons #NASA #Heart",
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                    "caption": "Home 🌏⁣\n⁣\nNASA sees Earth like no one else: from space, air, land, and sea. Today and every day, we're discovering more about our world, from the ocean's depths to the air we breathe. This unique perspective gives us a deeper appreciation for the planet we call home and the ability to see how Earth is changing.⁣\n⁣\nWe're celebrating #EarthDay with one of the images that kicked off the date that honors our home planet. Recently Bill Anders sat down with Kate Calvin, our agency's chief scientist and senior climate advisor, chatting about how on December 24, 1968, he took this iconic \"Earthrise\" photo as he and fellow Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman and Jim Lovell became the first humans to orbit the Moon.⁣\n⁣\nIn reflection of their historic flight, Anders said, \"We came all this way to explore the Moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth,\" a feeling that many astronauts share as they orbit the big blue marble.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: In the lower portion of the photo, the gray uneven cratered surface of the Moon runs diagonally descending from right to left. In the center-right of the photo, the half-illuminated Earth shines bright blue, and partially visible land hides behind swirling white clouds.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#Moon #Perspective #Earth #Planet #SolarSystem #Home #Gaia",
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                    "caption": "She's a rainbow 🌈\n\nThis is our closest large neighbor galaxy, Andromeda. Located 2.5 million light-years away from our Sun, Andromeda is larger and has more stars than our Milky Way. \n\nThe Andromeda galaxy appears rainbow-hued here because far-infrared and radio wavelengths that can’t normally be seen by the eye have been mapped to visible colors. This colorful view reveals the gas and dust filling the space between stars, giving us a better understanding of Andromeda’s structure and history.\n\nUnderstanding dust is critical to understanding the universe: it’s made by dying stars, it’s part of what makes up new stars, and many of the heavy chemical elements essential to forming planets like Earth are locked up in dust in interstellar space.\n\nImage description: The Andromeda galaxy’s spirals are shown in nearly all the colors of the rainbow, going from blue at the center to red at the edges. It contrasts sharply with the black background of space, which is dotted with tiny green dots of light. Green clouds of dust smudge the left side of the image, outside of the galaxy.\n\nCredit: ESA, NASA, NASA-JPL/Caltech, Christopher Clark (STScI), R. Braun (SKA Observatory), C. Nieten (MPI Radioastronomie), Matt Smith (Cardiff University)\n\n#NASA #space #galaxy #Andromeda #rainbow #stars #astronomy",
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                    "caption": "Watch as the world passes by, literally.\n\nThe people who’ve been to Earth orbit for the rare opportunity to see our home planet from a whole different angle say this blue marble in space is really quite beautiful and awe-inspiring when seen from 250 miles straight up. \n\nHere’s your chance to see if you agree: these ultra-high definition video scenes, captured between March 2022 and March 2023 during the International Space Station’s Expeditions 67 and 68, let you imagine yourself as a station crew member with an hour off duty and nothing better to do than look out the window as the world, literally, passes by.\n\nCredit: NASA\n \n#NASA #Space #ISS #Earth #SpaceStation #Chill #Vibe",
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                    "caption": "Whatever floats your ‘scope ⁣\n⁣\nThe Super Pressure Balloon Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT) that launched on a scientific super pressure balloon on April 15, 2023, from New Zealand captured its first research images of the Tarantula and Antennae galaxies. Using a balloon-borne telescope, floating at 108,000 feet (32,918 meters) above Earth’s surface, allows scientists to view these scientific targets from a balloon platform in a near-space environment.⁣\n ⁣\nThe SuperBIT telescope captures images of galaxies in the visible to near ultraviolet light spectrum, which is within the @NASAHubble capabilities, but with a wider field of view. The goal of the mission is to map dark matter around galaxy clusters by measuring the way these massive objects warp the space around them, also called “weak gravitational lensing.” ⁣\n⁣\nImage descriptions: ⁣\n⁣\n1 – The Tarantula nebula is pictured in shades of red and magenta. It is a large star-forming region of ionized gas that lies 161,000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud.  It has turbulent clouds of gas and dust that appear to swirl between the regions bright newly formed stars. ⁣\n⁣\n2- The Antennae Galaxies are two large galaxies colliding 60 million light-years away toward the southerly constellation Corvus. The galaxies light up in shades of blue and green, dotted with pink colors. A grey haze exudes from the galactic pair. ⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/SuperBIT ⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Tarantula #Antennae #Space #Cosmos #Galaxy #Telescope #Astrphotography #balloon",
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                    "caption": "The long and wind-ing road⁣ 🎶\n⁣\nTwice as wide as Earth, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot has captivated viewers for centuries–and with no solid surface to slow storms down, astronomers can only speculate how long the massive storm has been raging. An analysis of the Great Red Spot using @NASAHubble shows that the winds within the storm are increasing in speed to around 400 mph (640 kph) while also shrinking in size.⁣\n⁣\nThis image of the Great Red Spot, captured by the Voyager 1 spacecraft, shows the storm as it rotates counterclockwise between two cloud bands in the gas giant’s turbulent atmosphere, extending miles above the clouds. The colorful bands, created by ammonia ice clouds of varying thicknesses and heights, flow in opposite directions at different latitudes.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Storms churn Jupiter’s atmosphere in swirling clouds of white, tan, blue, and gray, appearing in bands that streak across the gas giant. In the upper left portion of the image, the Great Red Spot is a red-orange oval. Smaller white circular storms appear below and to the right of the iconic storm.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL⁣-Caltech\n⁣\n#Jupiter #GasGiant #Space #Voyager #Hubble #SolarSystem",
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                    "caption": "Mercury doesn’t get enough love. Stay with us.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nSure, it’s moonless and devoid of life, but the little planet gets bathed in sunshine. And intense radiation. Ok, it’s inhospitable and it gets super hot and incredibly cold. But it does have fun things going on:⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n• It orbits the Sun every 88 Earth days⁣⁣\n• It has water ice at its north pole⁣⁣\n• It’s not the hottest planet (Hi, Venus, and your toxic atmosphere)⁣⁣\n• It’s been visited by two NASA spacecraft (Mariner 10 and MESSENGER) and a @EuropeanSpaceAgency one (BepiColombo) is on its way⁣⁣\n• It minds its business⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nIn pop culture, Mercury sometimes gets a bad rap when it appears to go into retrograde motion. This optical illusion happens three to four times a year when the speedy planet laps us around the Sun. Despite the drama, small Mercury has given us big clues on how the inner solar system may have formed. Check out solarsystem.nasa.gov to dive in a bit deeper.⁣⁣\n⁣\nCredits: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington⁣\n⁣⁣\n#JusticeForMercury #Mercury #Planets #SolarSystem #NASA #Astronomy #Science",
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                    "caption": "Hot new bombshells enter the villa⁣\n⁣\nOtherwise invisible to the unaided eye, infrared data from @NASAWebb and X-ray data from @NASAChandraXray are made visible in these proper fit cosmic wonders by mapping the data to colors we can see.⁣\n⁣\n1. NGC 346, a star cluster in a nearby galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud, lights up as Chandra (in purple and blue) reveals young, hot, massive stars that send powerful winds outward from their surfaces. Webb shows arcs of gas and dust that stars and planets use as a source of material for their formation in red, green and blue.⁣\n⁣\n2. In purple, Chandra reveals a spiral galaxy where compact objects like neutron stars or black holes pull material from companion stars and the remnants of exploded stars. Webb data show dust and gas in the galaxy’s spiral arms in red, green and blue.⁣\n⁣\n3. Eagle Nebula, also known as the “Pillars of Creation,” is shown in red, green and blue via Webb with dark columns of gas and dust shrouding the few remaining fledgling stars. Chandra, in red and blue, shows young stars giving out copious amounts of X-rays, which appear as dots.⁣\n⁣\n4. The Phantom Galaxy, a spiral galaxy 32 million light-years away, is relatively dim when spotted with regular telescopes, but lights up in outlines of gas and dust in infrared data from Webb (in green, yellow, red, magenta), while Chandra data spotlights (in purple) high-energy activity from stars at X-ray wavelengths. Hubble optical data showcases additional stars and dust along the dust lanes in orange, cyan, and blue.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: X-ray: Chandra: NASA/CXC/SAO, XMM: ESA/XMM-Newton; IR: JWST: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI, Spitzer: NASA/JPL/CalTech; Optical: Hubble: NASA/ESA/STScI, ESO; Image Processing: L. Frattare, J. Major, and K. Arcand⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #NASAWebb #NASAChandra #JWST #Webb #Space #Astrophotography #Galaxies #Universe #Stars",
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                    "caption": "The Moon is calling.\r\t\rOn Nov. 16, 2022, the Orion spacecraft launched aboard the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket from @NASAKennedy Space Center and embarked on the #Artemis I mission to the Moon and back. Orion orbited the Moon, getting as close as 79 miles (127 km) to the lunar surface, and successfully splashed back down to Earth 25.5 days later on Dec. 11.\r\t\rFour RS-25 engines and two five-segment solid rocket boosters provided more than 8.8 million pounds (4 million kg) of thrust for SLS during liftoff and flight. Thanks in part to development of a new RS-25 engine controller that checks engine health 50 times per second, engineers were able to collect more than 100 measurements on pressures, temperatures, flows, speeds, and vibrations on the four RS-25 engines that helped power Artemis I. The preliminary post-flight data indicates that all SLS systems performed exceptionally and that the designs are ready to support a crewed flight on Artemis II.\r\t\rThe Artemis II mission will bring us closer to establishing a sustained human presence on the lunar surface and landing the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon.\r\t\rThis video was captured from the Launch Pad 39B perimeter and was used by engineers to monitor and track the rocket during flight.\r\t\rVideo credit: NASA\rMusic credit: Universal Production Music\nCover photo: NASA/Chris Coleman and Kevin Dav\r\t\r#MegaMoonRocket #Launch #SpaceLaunchSystem #LunarMission #STEM #NASA #Space #Liftoff #Rocket #NASAKennedy",
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                    "caption": "March into the new month with these sky-gazing opportunities!\n\nLooking up at night is more fun when you know what to look for. Learn about some of the night sky happenings throughout March: \n\n-  After a cosmic kiss, Jupiter and Venus will go their separate ways growing farther apart each night throughout the month. \n-  All throughout March, dwarf planet Ceres will be visible throughout the night and is at its brightest for the year. Find it using binoculars or a small telescope. \n-  The Moon will keep us on our toes, with a full moon on March 7 and a new moon on March 21. On March 23, the Moon will be a slim crescent after sunset, hanging just below a blazing bright Venus. On March 25, the crescent Moon sits beside the brilliant Pleiades star cluster. \n\nImage description: A starry night lights up the sky above a wooded forest of evergreens dusted with snow. \nThumbnail credit: Bill Dunford \n\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech\n\n#NASA #March #WhatsUp #SkyGazing #StarGazing #Stars #Space #Moon #Astronomy #Planets",
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                    "caption": "Known to some as the Snow or Wolf Moon, this month's full moon is visible for the next two days.⁣\n⁣\nDoes the Moon mean something special to you? What do you call it in your language? Let us know in the comments. ⁣\n⁣\nFor more about our celestial companion, head over to solarsystem.nasa.gov/moon.⁣\n⁣\nImage Description: An aircraft taking off from Ronald Reagan National Airport is seen passing in front of the Moon as it rises, Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017, in Washington. The Moon appears large and yellow, and the zoom setting makes the aircraft look large and like its bisecting the Moon. It looks like a Pac-Man. The shadow of the plane starts at the nose and ends at the engines so you can't see the wings.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/Bill Ingalls⁣\n⁣\n#Moon #FullMoon #SnowMoon #WolfMoon #Luna #Astrophotography #Photography #Space #NASA⁣",
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                    "caption": "Save the date📍\n⁣\nThe Moon’s shadow will cross the contiguous United States during a \"ring of fire\" annular eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, and a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.⁣\n⁣\nWhere will you be for these upcoming eclipses? Swipe to see our new map, which could help you decide. These eclipses offer a unique opportunity to study the sun's corona, the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere that is normally difficult to see without using special instruments.⁣\n⁣\nWhether you plan to travel to see the eclipse or watch it from your backyard, we hope you'll take a moment to appreciate the beauty and power of our nearest star. Anyone located in the annular eclipse path, from Oregon to Texas, will have a chance to see the annular eclipse if the skies are clear. Anyone located in the total eclipse path, from Texas to Maine, will have a chance to see the total eclipse, weather permitting. ⁣\n⁣\nExcept during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing.⁣\n⁣\nViewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.⁣\n⁣\nImage descriptions: ⁣\n\t⁣\nAn annular solar eclipse creates a \"ring of fire\" around the Moon, like that seen in this image taken by JAXA/NASA Hinode spacecraft. A black circle is surrounded by rays of orange light. Credit: JAXA/NASA/SAO/NAOJ⁣\n\t⁣\nA total solar eclipse is seen on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, above Madras, Oregon. A black circle is surrounded by rays of white light contrasting with the black sky. Credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani.⁣\n\t⁣\nThe left side of the continental US is picture with a path of the annular eclipse, as indicated by yellow circles. Credit: NASA/SVS/Michala Garrison; eclipse calculations by Ernie Wright, NASA Goddard⁣\n\t⁣\nThe right side of the continental US pictured with the path of the total eclipse as indicated through purple circles.⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #SolarEclipse #Eclipse #SaveTheDate #SkyWatchers #Sun #Moon #Skygazing",
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                    "caption": "One last look before we go⁣\n ⁣\nOn Dec. 5, our @NASAArtemis Orion spacecraft made its closest approach to the Moon, flying 79.2 miles above the lunar surface in order to harness the Moon’s gravity and accelerate for the journey back to Earth. After passing behind the far side of the Moon, Orion powered a flyby burn that lasted approximately 3 minutes and 27 seconds. This burn changed the velocity of the spacecraft by approximately 655 miles per hour (1054 km/hour). ⁣\n ⁣\nOrion is expected to splash down off the coast of San Diego at 12:40 p.m. EST (17:30 UTC) on Sunday, Dec. 11.  You can tune in at nasa.gov/live. ⁣\n ⁣\nVideo Description: The Orion spacecraft appears on the left, and the nearby cratered Moon in the center, along with the distant crescent Earth, all washed in glare from the Sun, which is outside of the frame just below.⁣\n ⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣\n ⁣\n#NASA #Artemis #Moon #NASAMoon #Orion #Spacecraft #ArtemisGeneration #Space #exploration",
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                    "caption": "I’m passing the phone... to an astronaut headed for the Moon! \r\rToday, we revealed the four astronauts who will fly around the Moon and back during the #Artemis II missions. Not only are they teammates — they’re also great friends. \r\rThey are: @NASAAstronauts Reid Wiseman, @AstroVicGlover and @Astro_Christina, and @CanadianSpaceAgency astronaut @AstroJeremy. \r\rArtemis II will launch the Orion spacecraft aboard the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket on a 10-day mission to test the Orion spacecraft’s life-support systems. This mission will bring us closer to our goal of establishing a long-term human presence on the lunar surface and test the technologies needed to send astronauts to Mars. \r\rNow that you know who the Artemis astronauts are, it’s your turn to get to know them! Tune into our Instagram Live tomorrow, Tuesday, April 4, 12:40pm ET (1640 UTC), to hear from them live. Submit your questions using the submission tool in our stories. \r\rCredit: NASA \r\r#PassThePhone #NASA #Astronaut #Space #Moon #LunarMission #Orion #MegaMoonRocket",
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                    "caption": "Recent volcanic activity has been observed on Venus for the first time.⁣\n⁣\nAfter scouring archival radar images taken by our Magellan mission more than 30 years ago, the @uaf.gi and @nasajpl team found direct geological evidence of an active volcano on the surface of Earth’s twin planet. The images revealed a volcanic vent changing shape and increasing significantly in size in less than a year.⁣\n⁣\nThe volcanic vent studied appeared nearly circular, covering an area of less than 1 square mile (2.2 square kilometers). It had steep interior sides and showed signs of drained lava down its exterior slopes, factors that hinted at activity. In radar images captured eight months later, the same vent had doubled in size and become misshapen. It also appeared to be filled to the rim with a lava lake.⁣\n⁣\nScientists study active volcanoes to understand how a planet’s interior can shape its crust, drive its evolution, and affect its habitability. The new findings set the stage for our upcoming orbiter mission VERITAS – short for Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy – which will do just that when it launches within a decade.⁣\n⁣\nImage description:⁣\n⁣\nA computer-generated 3D image shows the entirety of Venus in a bright yellow color. There are patches of darker yellows that illustrate differences in the surface. The large circular planet has a black square to the middle-right section marking where volcanic activity was spotted in archival radar images from NASA's Magellan mission.⁣\n\t⁣\nA computer-generated 3D model image shows Venus’ surface and the summit of Maat Mons, a volcano exhibiting signs of activity. A new study found one of Maat Mons’ vents became enlarged and changed shape over an eight-month period in 1991, indicating an eruptive event occurred. The 3D rendering shows a yellow-covered surface and a black background. The slope of the volcano isn't very steep, and appears more like a hill than a mountain.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Venus #SolarSystem #Volcano #Magellan #Planet #Research #Geology #LPSC",
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                    "caption": "There are layers to this ⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nWhat looks like two galaxies colliding – are actually separated by millions of light-years. In this image captured by @NASAHubble, two distant galaxies happen to line up from our point of view. The chance of two galaxies stacked up almost perfectly Is 1 in 100,000.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nThe galactic system consists of a smaller, closer face-on spiral galaxy that lies in front of another larger, more distant, tilted spiral galaxy.  The closer galaxy is illuminated by the galaxy behind it, revealing dust lanes which are dark and hard to see in most spirals, stand out strongly in silhouette. The two galaxies are more than 20 million light-years from each other, too far apart to interact. ⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nImage description: Two spiral galaxies that are almost centered, with one galaxy in front of the other. The galaxy in front is oriented face-on, and the galaxy in the back is not quite edge-on and spans from the lower left to upper right of the image. Both galaxies twinkle with copious amounts of blue starlight and have dark dust lanes present in shades of brown and dark gold. ⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nCredit: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and W. Keel (University of Alabama)⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n#NASA #NASAHubble #Hubble #Space #Astronomy #Galaxies",
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                    "caption": "Look how they shine for you. 🤩\n\nAuroras are natural light shows caused by magnetic storms triggered by the Sun’s activity like explosive flares and coronal mass ejections (ejected gas bubbles). Solar winds carry the energetically charged particles from these events to Earth’s atmosphere. \n\nWhen these particles seep through Earth's magnetosphere, a part of our atmosphere that protects us from solar and cosmic radiation, they cause substorms. These fast-moving substorm particles slam into our thin, high atmosphere, colliding with Earth's oxygen and nitrogen particles. As these air particles shed the energy they picked up from the collision, each atom starts to glow in a different color—causing the brilliant ribbons of light which weave across Earth's northern or southern polar regions. \n\nTypically, auroras are visible closer to Earth’s poles, where the magnetosphere is generally weakest; however, when the Sun releases especially powerful solar storms, auroras can be seen further from the poles. Just that happened this past week when a powerful geomagnetic storm delighted skywatchers with auroras as far south as Virginia and Arizona! \n\nVideo description: The northern lights as seen from the International Space Station. The video begins with the green hues of the northern lights dancing across the skies of North America. The curvature of the Earth is visible where the auroras in the atmosphere meet the darkness of space. As the video continues it moves further southeast across North America, revealing the bright lights of cities across the midwest United States. \n\nCredit: NASA \n\n#NASA #Space #ISS #Aurora #NorthernLights #NightSky #SpaceStation #AuroraBorealis",
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                    "caption": "Happy birthday to the \"Mother of Hubble!\"⁣\n⁣\nFrom a young age to her role as NASA's first chief astronomer, Dr. Nancy Grace Roman showed a lifelong interest in astronomy. She played an integral role in the development of @NASAHubble. Our Roman Space Telescope, named in her honor, is a new telescope set to launch in the mid-2020s with a field of view 100 times greater than Hubble's infrared instrument—capturing more of the sky with less observing time.⁣\n⁣\nPictured here is the Butterfly Nebula, observed by Hubble in wavelengths from near-ultraviolet to near-infrared, helping researchers understand the mechanics at work in its technicolor \"wings.\"⁣\n⁣\nWhat did Hubble look at on your birthday? Enter the month and date below to find out:⁣\ngo.nasa.gov/hubblebirthday⁣\n⁣\nImage Description: Waves of teal gas shoot out from a white core, resembling the shape of a butterfly. Stars dot the background in various sizes.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA, @EuropeanSpaceAgency, and J. Kastner (RIT)⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Space #NancyRoman #Astrophotography #Space #Butterfly #Nebula #ButterflyNebula",
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                    "caption": "Victor Glover is an African American trailblazer. ⁣\n⁣\nPrior to his astronaut career, Glover was a naval aviator and test pilot in the F/A-18 Hornet, Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler. He and his family have been stationed in many locations in the United States and Japan, and he has deployed in combat and peacetime. Glover accumulated 3,000 flight hours in more than 40 aircraft, over 400 carrier arrested landings and 24 combat missions.⁣\n⁣\nIn 2012, Glover was selected for the Legislative Fellowship and was assigned to the office of a U.S. Senator. He held this position when selected as an astronaut candidate as one of eight members of the 21st @NASAAstronauts class.⁣\n⁣\nGlover most recently served as pilot and second-in-command on the Crew-1 SpaceX Crew Dragon, named Resilience, which landed May 2, 2021. He also served as Flight Engineer on the @ISS for Expedition 64. Glover was the fifteenth African American astronaut to travel to the orbiting laboratory. ⁣\n⁣\nDuring the @NASAArtemis II mission, Glover will be one of four astronauts flying aboard the Orion spacecraft, making him the first African American to travel beyond both low Earth orbit and the Moon.⁣\n⁣\nImage descriptions: ⁣\nGlover is pictured inside the cupola, the space station’s \"window to the world,\" as the orbiting lab flew 263 miles above France. Credit: NASA⁣\nGlover smiles and raises two thumbs up at a NASA event at @NASAJohnson in Houston. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls⁣\nGlover fist pumps with 3-year-old Ezra Garrel at the conclusion of an educational event, April 28, 2022, at the @NMAAHC in Washington. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls⁣\nGlover stands inside @NASAKennedy’s Vehicle Assembly Building near the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket for the #Artemis mission. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett⁣\nGlover gives a thumbs up inside the crew suit-up room in the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at @NASAKennedy prior to the NASA @SpaceX Crew-1 mission. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett⁣\nGlover takes a \"space-selfie\" with his helmet's visor down during a spacewalk on March 13, 2021. Credit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#MilitaryAppreciationMonth #NMAAHCFutures #Artemis #NASA #ISS #SpaceStation",
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                    "caption": "Saturn is in its messy era 🪐\n\nData from @NASAHubble, the @NASASolarsystem Cassini mission, and the twin Voyager spacecraft reveal that small sections of Saturn’s rings are falling into and heating its atmosphere.\n\nThe leading explanation is that icy ring particles raining down onto Saturn's atmosphere cause this heating. This could be due to the impact of micrometeorites, solar wind particle bombardment, solar ultraviolet radiation, or electromagnetic forces picking up electrically charged dust.\n\nThere is no cause for alarm though—although Saturn’s iconic rings are slowly falling they’ve got another 100 million years of life in them. Ultimately, this unexpected interaction between Saturn and its rings could provide scientists with a tool for predicting if planets around other stars have glorious Saturn-like ring systems, too.\n\nImage description: A image of Saturn as seen in near-ultraviolet by the Hubble Space Telescope. Saturn appears an ombre of blue and purple, its rings appearing much darker than the planet's body as they reflect much less ultraviolet sunlight. Above the rings and the dark equatorial region of Saturn, a bulge appears as an extended band of white that is 30 percent brighter than the surrounding light blue regions. It's believed that icy ring particles raining on the atmosphere cause atmospheric heating that makes the upper atmosphere reflect more ultraviolet sunlight in the bulge region. The poles of Saturn are bathed in white hues, caused by the thinner atmosphere in this region which also causes auroras. The background of this image is the blackness of space.\n\nCredits: NASA, ESA, Lotfi Ben-Jaffel (IAP & LPL)\n\n#NASA #Space #Jupiter #Rings #SolarSystem #Galaxy #Planet #Hubble #Saturn",
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                    "caption": "You were meant for me, Cassini 💎⁣\n⁣\nSometimes called the jewel of the solar system, Saturn is not the only planet with rings; however, its rings are the most complex and prominent of our solar system – 30 feet (10 meters) tall and made of rock, ice, and dust. The rings are thought to be pieces of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons torn apart by the massive gas planet’s gravity.⁣\n⁣\nOur Cassini spacecraft captured this image in the planet’s shadow; the Sun is behind it, backlighting it, and the photo was enhanced with infrared, red, and violet spectral filters. Pictures like this help scientists study the ring structures and atmosphere of the planet. Cassini spent 13 years studying Saturn and its moons, showing us one of the most Earth-like worlds we’ve encountered – Saturn’s moon – Titan.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Saturn’s southern hemisphere, as seen by the Cassini captured this image in 2012, shows a backlit planet with its rings shining bright. The outline of the planet and rings is contrasted by the Sun.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute⁣\n⁣\n#Saturn #NASA #Space #Astrophotography #Cassini #Universe #SolarSystem",
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                    "caption": "We're on our way to the International Space Station! 🚀\n\nNASA's @SpaceX #Crew6 mission lifted off from @NASAKennedy at 12:34 a.m. EST (0534 UTC) on Thursday, March 2, sending its four crew members into orbit aboard the Dragon Endeavour spacecraft. Mission pilot @astro.woody, who's on his first mission to outer space, and the rest of Crew-6 will dock with the @ISS early Friday morning (1:17 a.m. EST, 0617 UTC), joining the seven-member crew already aboard the orbiting laboratory.\n\nOver the next six months, they'll run hundreds of experiments to help humanity learn how to live in space while making life better back on Earth—including research into the human immune system and studies examining microbes that could survive in the harsh environment of outer space. \n\nOur Commercial Crew missions (like Crew-6) are also helping make spaceflight more reliable and less expensive, opening up access to outer space and preparing us for future missions to the Moon and Mars.\n\nImage description 1: In this long-exposure photo of the Crew-6 launch, the Dragon and Falcon 9 appear as a gently arcing beam of light against the dead of night.\n\nImage description 2: The Crew-6 rocket stands on the launch pad before liftoff, with the reddish-blue sky at dusk behind it.\n\nImage description 3: Crew-6's four crew members — Stephen Bowen, Woody Hoburg, Sultan Alneyadi, and Andrey Fedyaev — walk out of crew quarters, decked out in their flight suits, on the way to the launch pad.\n\nImage description 4: A close-up of the Falcon 9 rocket at launch; its flames light up the clouds and water surrounding it at the bottom of the launch pad.\n\nImage description 5: Crew-6 lifts off from Kennedy, partially blocked at this angle by clouds from the launch.\n\nCredit: NASA/Joel Kowsky\n\n#NASA #OuterSpace #Space #ISS #InternationalSpaceStation #SpaceStation #Dragon #SpaceX",
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                    "caption": "Thank your lucky stars ⭐⁣\n⁣\nFebruary may be the shortest month of the year, but there are sky watching opportunities a-plenty! With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we’re looking at the night sky with our love goggles on. Here’s when to gaze up at the night this month:⁣\n⁣\n1. For those going long-distance: all month Jupiter and Venus are visible in the west after sunset. The two planets appear closer together each evening, as they head for a conjunction on March 1.⁣\n2. Tell them their eyes are the size of the Moon during February 5’s full Moon.⁣\n3. Dedicate February 20’s New Moon to someone new in your life.⁣\n4. For honeymooners, find the Moon and Mars paired high in the southwest after sunset on February 27, where they will appear less than a degree apart. ⁣\n5. For the besties, locate the charioteer constellation Auriga, by finding your way to its brightest star Capella. From Orion, look northward twice Orion’s height to find Capella. ⁣\n6. Single and mingling? Use the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, find your way to two easy to locate star clusters, M41 and M47, using binoculars.⁣\n⁣\nSay it with your chest! Tag them in the comments. ⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech⁣\nThumbnail credit: Bill Dunford ⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Space #WhatsUp #SkyWatching #NightSky #ValentinesDay #February #stars #planets",
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                    "caption": "Hey, remember that time we flew around the Moon and back?⁣\n⁣\nThat was pretty cool. Our #Artemis I mission launched on Nov. 16, 2022, and performed two lunar flybys over the course of a 25.5-day mission. At its farthest distance during the mission, Orion traveled nearly 270,000 miles (435,000 kilometers) from our home planet.⁣\n⁣\nArtemis I was the first integrated test of NASA’s deep space exploration systems – the Orion spacecraft, SLS rocket, and the supporting ground systems – and the first in a series of increasingly complex missions at the Moon. Now with the first Artemis mission under our belt, we look forward to flying around the Moon again with Artemis II — this time, with astronauts.⁣\n⁣\nThrough Artemis missions, NASA will establish a long-term lunar presence for scientific discovery and prepare for human missions to Mars.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#TBT #Orion #SLS #MegaMoonRocket #Spacecraft #LunarMission #Moon #Astronauts #STEM #NASA",
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                    "caption": "I spy with my little eye… our Perseverance Mars rover 🔎⁣\n⁣\nThis image was taken by our Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during the rotorcraft’s 51st flight on April 22, 2023, the 772nd Martian day, or sol, of the rover’s mission. At the time this was taken the helicopter was at an altitude of about 40 feet (12 meters). ⁣\n ⁣\nCan you spot our Mars rover? ⁣\n⁣\nImage Descriptions: ⁣\n1 – The rover is in the upper left of the image, parked at a light-toned rocky outcrop. Perseverance’s tracks can be seen extending from its location to the upper-right side of the image.  The helicopter’s shadow can be seen just to the right and below the image’s center. A small triangular piece of debris from the rover’s entry, descent, and landing system can be seen at the lower center of the image. ⁣\n⁣\n2 – A zoomed-in view of Perseverance. The image is grainy in comparison to the full image but the rover’s shape can be made out of the rocky outcrop. ⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Mars #SolarSystem #Space #Rover #ISpy #Perseverance #Ingenuity #MarsRover",
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                    "caption": "“65” actor Adam Driver and @NASASolarSystem Planetary Defender Kelly Fast discuss how we find, track and monitor near-Earth asteroids, as well as test technologies that could one day be used to prevent a potential impact, should a hazardous asteroid be discovered in the future, while there are no known threats to Earth for the next 100 years. The duo also talks about the #OSIRISREx mission and the asteroid sample the spacecraft will bring to Earth this September.\n\nProducers: Scott Bednar, Jessica Wilde, Emily Furfaro, Josh Handal\nEditor/Graphics: Matthew Schara\nCredit: NASA\nMovie Footage courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment 65",
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                    "caption": "I'm blue; Da ba dee da ba di 🔵⁣\n⁣\nOver a thousand years ago, the light from a stellar explosion reached Earth after traveling 7,000 light-years. Documented in China, Japan, Europe, and the Arab world, the supernova appeared for weeks (even during the day) and was brighter than Venus.⁣\n⁣\nThough it was unknown to these ancient spectators, they were seeing remnants of a supernova, caused by a white dwarf becoming unstable and exploding after the star captured the mass from its companion star.⁣\n⁣\nThis 2008 image shows X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the full shell of the supernova remnant from SN 1006. The entire object is about 60 light-years across.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: This composite image shows a circular cosmic blast in turbulent, sparkling blue, with black space surrounding the remnant.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/CXC/Rutgers/G.Cassam-Chenai, J.Hughes et al.⁣\n⁣\n#Blue #Space #NASA #Supernova #Star",
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                    "caption": "Io-ver the moon⁣\n⁣\nOn Tuesday, May 16, our Juno spacecraft flew past Jupiter’s volcanic moon, Io. This flyby was the closest to date, reaching an altitude of about 22,060 miles (35,500 kilometers) above the surface. This image was captured by JunoCam, a citizen scientist camera aboard the spacecraft. The spacecraft, which has been gathering data on the gas giant since July 2016, is now in the third year of its extended mission. In addition to studying the origin and evolution of Jupiter, the spacecraft will also explore its ring system where some of the gas giant's inner moons reside.⁣\n⁣\nThe orbiter has flown over 510 million miles, performing 50 flybys of Jupiter and also documented close encounters with three of Jupiter’s four largest moons, icy worlds Europa and Ganymede and fiery Io.⁣\n⁣\nSlightly larger than Earth’s moon, Io Is in constant torment. Not only is Jupiter's gravity constantly pulling at Io, but so are its lunar siblings. The moon gets stretched and squeezed, which forces lava to erupt from its many volcanoes.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Jupiter's moon Io, with its mottled, orange-and-yellowish surface, seen half illuminated against the blackness of space⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill © cc⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #SolarSystem #Space #Moon #Io #JunoMission #Galilean #Orbiter",
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                    "caption": "Time for some Sun salutations 🧘⁣\n⁣\nFlow through a week of solar activity, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 8, 2022, as captured by our Solar Dynamics Observatory or SDO. From its orbit in space around Earth, SDO has steadily imaged the Sun in 4k resolution for nearly 13 years. ⁣\n⁣\nLooking for a longer solar soundtrack to power your practice? Checkout youtube.com/NASA/community for a full 133 days of solar observations to the tune of lo-fi beats. ⁣\n⁣\nVideo description: Mellow music plays as compiled images taken every 108 seconds condenses 7 days of solar observations, between Nov. 1 and Nov. 8 into 23 seconds. The video shows bright active regions passing across the face of the Sun as it rotates.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: @nasagoddard, Scott Wiessinger (Lead Producer and editor), Tom Bridgman (Lead Visualizer), Lars Leonhard (Music)⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Sun #Solarsystem #SolarPower #SunSalutations #SDO #Space #Star",
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                    "caption": "Putting a face to the name 🌝 ⁣\n⁣\nDo you ever see faces in things? That's a phenomenon called pareidolia, and it's when our brains see familiar shapes in objects or data. We often do this when we look up at the sky and see faces or animals in the clouds. And sometimes in the cosmos. Here are some of our favorite examples of pareidolia in space⁣\n⁣\n1) A hill with a V-shaped collapse structure, two craters and a circular fracture pattern — possibly the remains of a buried impact crater — appear to form the face of a bear on the Mars surface. This image was captured by HiRISE aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Dec. 12, 2022.⁣\n⁣\n2) NASA's Viking 1 Orbiter spacecraft photographed this region in the northern latitudes of Mars on July 25, 1976. The speckled appearance of the image is due to missing data, called bit errors, caused by problems in transmission of the photographic data from Mars to Earth. Bit errors comprise part of one of the 'eyes' and 'nostrils' on the eroded rock that resembles a human face near the center of the image. Shadows in the rock formation give the illusion of a nose and mouth. Planetary geologists attribute the origin of the formation to purely natural processes. ⁣\n⁣\n3) Take a look at this photo from Jan. 31. 2022, captured from the Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO). Harmakhis Vallis is an approximately 800-kilometer long outflow channel located in eastern Hellas. The valley probably formed by a combination of surface collapse and flowing water.  What pareidolias do you see? ⁣\n ⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona⁣\n ⁣\n#NASA #Mars #Pareidolia #Space #SolarSystem #Planets #FacesInThings",
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                    "caption": "Swipe for a surprise. ➡️⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nIn the constellation Sagittarius, a cloud of gas and dust – nicknamed the Godzilla Nebula – lurks 7,800 light-years from Earth. The now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope’s Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire captured the nebula in various infrared wavelengths, represented in different colors.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nBlue and cyan are wavelengths primarily emitted by stars; dust and organic molecules are represented in green; dust heated by stars and supernovae appears red; and yellow and white are combinations of wavelengths. Much like when a giant lizard topples in the movies, when a massive star dies and explodes into supernovae, it carves and reshapes the surrounding area.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nImage descriptions:⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nImage 1: Stars form a backdrop of tiny cyan dots behind swirling masses of predominately green, red, yellow, and blue. On the upper-left portion of the photo, an oval-shaped yellow and red swirl is outlined in green. Below it, a larger triangular-shaped swirl of red, yellow, and green appears. In the upper center, red, yellow, and green form Godzilla’s eyes, brow, and snout. A small grouping of red, yellow, and blue gas and dust appears at the bottom center.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nImage 2: The same photo, but with a white outline accentuating Godzilla’s lizard-like shape, with strong brow ridges and dorsal spikes.⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech⁣⁣\n⁣⁣\n#Space #Godzilla #Nebula #Universe #Galaxy #Green",
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                    "caption": "This is the way... we celebrate #StarWarsDay. \n\nSwipe through to learn about locales in our solar system that share similarities to the fictional ones found in a galaxy far, far away.\n\nTatooine is known as the home of Luke Skywalker, and it's the site of many important events from a long, long time ago. In Star Wars lore, it orbits two suns, has rolling sand dunes, and is a haven for scum and villainy. Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is not a wretched hive of scum and villainy, nor does it orbit two suns. But it does have rolling dunes comprised of coarse dark hydrocarbon grains that likely rained down and got everywhere on the moon.\n\nImage description: NASA's Cassini spacecraft looks toward the night side of Titan, which looks like a black sphere and is only visible by the ring of its atmosphere around the outside of the moon. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute\n\nBespin, the iconic fictional home of Cloud City and its administrator Lando Calrissian, is a gas giant planet with an abundance of natural gases. What other planets are rich with gases? Uranus and Neptune have helium-3 and hydrogen in their atmospheres.\n\nImage description: Uranus as seen by NASA's Voyager 2. The planet appears like an off-white marble sharply contrasting against the black background of space. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech\n\nCoruscant, this fictional cosmopolitan capital of the Galactic Republic (and later the Galactic Empire), is covered in cityscape and has an entirely engineered climate. Earth is the only known place in the universe (so far) with a surface and environment that's been changed due to its inhabitants. Many of our @NASAEarth missions aim to better understand how human-caused changes affect our home planet.\n\nImage description: Earth’s eastern hemisphere as seen from space. Like a colorful marble, the green and tan shades of Africa, Europe, and Asia stand out against the blue of the ocean. White clouds swirl across the planet's surface. The background of the image is the blackness of space. Credit: NASA/NOAA/Robert Simmon\n\n#NASA #StarWars #MayThe4thBeWithYou #Space #SolarSystem #MayThe4th",
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                    "caption": "Ring in the new year! 🪐\n \nWe’re celebrating like it’s 1999—the year that @NASAHubble captured this image of Saturn, the sixth planet from our Sun. \n\nHubble took several photos of Saturn between 1996 and 2000, observing how its rings appear differently from our perspective as the gas giant makes its 29-year-long journey around the Sun. For instance, when Saturn’s rings are viewed from their edge on, they seem to be small and thin. However, when the planet’s orbit has moved enough that they can be viewed from an angle, the full picturesque breadth of Saturn’s iconic rings can be seen. \n \nThe particles that make up Saturn’s rings mostly range from tiny, dust-sized icy grains to chunks as big as a house, with a few particles as large as mountains. Saturn's rings are thought to be pieces of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons that broke up before they reached the planet, torn apart by its powerful gravity. One of the most impressive sights in our solar system, Saturn continues to allure astronomers, with recent @NASAWebb observations targeting its largest moon Titan. Saturn has also been visited by four robotic missions—including our Cassini spacecraft, which dove into the planet's atmosphere in 2017.\n \nImage Description: Saturn and its rings. The warm brown-and-creme hues of Saturn’s cloudy atmosphere present a gradient of color against the dark blackness of space. At its south pole, the darkest shades of the ombré pattern create a circle of earthy brown. Circling Saturn, grey rings are intersected by the Cassini Division, a gap measuring 2,920 miles (4,700 kilometers), which breaks up the otherwise halo-like rings. \n \nCredit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgment: R.G. French (Wellesley College), J. Cuzzi (NASA/Ames), L. Dones (SwRI), and J. Lissauer (NASA/Ames)\n \n#NASA #Space #NewYear #NewYearsEve #Saturn #Hubble #Telescope #Planet #SolarSystem",
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                    "caption": "How’s the weather up there? ⁣\n⁣\n@NASAHubble has been keeping a close eye on our solar system’s gas giants.  The telescope has been monitoring Jupiter and Uranus and observing atmospheric changes taking place over time. Swipe through: ⁣\n⁣\n1. The forecast for Jupiter in Nov. 2022 has stormy weather at low northern altitudes. Cyclones and anticyclones lock together like in a machine with alternating gears moving clockwise and counterclockwise, a mechanism which prevents individual storms from merging or rivaling the Great Red Spot. Strong color differences indicate that Hubble is seeing different cloud heights and depths as well. The orange moon, Io, photobombs the view of Jupiter’s clouds, casting a shadow toward the planet’s western limb. Sulfur takes on various hues at different temperatures, giving Io’s surface its color. ⁣\n⁣\n2. Jupiter’s legendary Great Red Spot takes the center stage in this view. The vortex large enough to swallow Earth has shrunken to the smallest size it has ever been observed dating back 150 years. Jupiter’s icy moon Ganymede can be seen transiting the planet on the lower right. This image is smaller in size because Jupiter was 81,000 miles farther from Earth when the photo was taken. ⁣\n⁣\n3. Planetary oddball Uranus rolls on its side around the Sun as it follows an 84-year orbit. In this 2014 image, multiple storms with methane ice-crystal clouds appear at mid-northern latitudes above the planets cyan-tinted lower atmosphere with some faint cloud bands. ⁣\n⁣\n4. Uranus in 2022 shows a thickened photochemical haze over the north pole. Several little storms can be seen near the edge of the polar haze boundary.  As the Hubble tracks the size and brightness of the north polar cap, it continues to get brighter year after year. As the northern summer solstice approaches in 2028, the cap may grow brighter still and will be aimed directly at Earth, allowing good views of the rings and north pole. The Ring system will then appear face-on. ⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA, ESA, STScI, Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC), and Michael H. Wong (UC Berkeley); Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #NASAHubble #Hubble #Telescope #SolarSystem #Jupiter #Uranus #Seasons",
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                    "caption": "Star clusters are massive globs of stars that orbit the center of a galaxy. This one is part of the Milky Way and sits over 300,000 light-years from Earth. It’s called NGC 2419.⁣\n⁣\nTypical clusters contain stars that were formed at roughly the same time. Astronomers have generally believed that all stars in a cluster contain similar amounts of elements like helium. @NASAHubble’s observations challenged this. The cluster here contains two separate populations of red giant stars, with one of them being unusually rich in helium. Similar observations raised questions: did these two groups of red giant stars form together? Or did this globular cluster form another way? Astronomers continue to learn.\n⁣\nImage Description: Many blue, white, and reddish stars are packed close together near the center of this star cluster, and become less dense at the image’s edges. They’re set against the blackness of space.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, S. Larsen et al.⁣\n⁣\n#Stars #Stargazing #Astronomy #Hubble #Space #NASA⁣",
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                    "caption": "May skies at night, what a delight! 🤩\n\nVenus rises in the evening sky throughout May, but nearing June, it begins to set lower. It’s gone by late July, but makes a bright return in late August. On May 5, expect a full moon to illuminate your weekend. Before sunrise on May 13, the Moon rises alongside Saturn—a special treat for morning skygazers.\n\nThe second half of the month is equally pleasant! On May 17, most of the U.S. and Canada may see the Moon appear close to Jupiter in the morning twilight. And after sunset from May 22-24, the Moon, Venus, and Mars will form a trio in the western sky with the Moon appearing sandwiched between the two planets.\n\nImage description: The Moon and two bright planets sit above the horizon. In the foreground, the horizon is dark with vegetation peaking out. The dark sky is a cool shade of blue lightening as it approaches the horizon. \n\nImage Credit: NASA/Preston Dyches\nVideo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech\n\n#NASA #Space #Skywatching #Night #Sky #Stars #Moon #Venus #Mars #Jupiter #Saturn #Space #Astronomy",
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                    "caption": "Ad astra per aspera ✨⁣\n⁣\nJoin us this #MemorialDay in remembering and honoring all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.⁣\n⁣\nAstronaut John Young leaps from the lunar surface in a salute captured by Charlie Duke during the Apollo 16 mission. The second of three science-oriented Apollo missions, Apollo 16, lasted just over 11 days, where Young and Duke spent more than 20 hours on the Moon's surface conducting experiments and traveling in the Lunar Roving Vehicle, while Tom Mattingly orbited in the command module.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: The gray landscape shows the marked surface of the Moon as John Young jumps in a white spacesuit next to the U.S. flag. The Lunar Module \"Orion\" is on the left. The Lunar Roving Vehicle is parked beside the LM. The object behind Young (in the shade of the LM) is the Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph. Stone Mountain dominates the background in this lunar scene.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#Apollo #NASA #Space #Moon",
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                    "caption": "The cold never bothered me anyway 🧊⁣\n⁣\nOur Cassini spacecraft glimpsed Saturn's cold and icy moon Enceladus, whose frozen surface ice hides a deep ocean. Though it may look like rivers etch the surface of the small moon, the cracks covering the surface are believed to be from relatively warm sections in the crust, where ice water particles and gasses jet out continuously from the oceans below, contributing to Saturn's E ring. Some of these fissures may be hydrothermal vents that stretch down to its ocean.⁣\n⁣\nEnceladus is a small moon that orbits Saturn at a distance of 148,000 miles (238,000 km) in a tidally locked elliptical pattern – the same side of Enceladus faces toward the planet, with an average temperature of -330 Fº (-201 Cº). The average thickness of the icy shell is about 12 to 16 miles (20 to 25 km).⁣\n⁣\nIn 2005, the Cassini spacecraft first examined the moon's south polar region, capturing its unique and complex terrain. Along the way, the spacecraft has deepened our understanding of the moon – leading scientists to believe that Enceladus' chemistry, vast oceans, and internal heat – make it a prime world to search for life beyond our planet.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Cassini's image of the white surface of Enceladus is seen in an enhanced colored view. The moon's surface is marred by light blue cracks spreading out in all directions and spotted with deep craters. The planet is not fully visible as black space surrounds the moon, and a shadow envelops the right side of its surface.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute⁣\n⁣\n#Frozen #Space #Saturn #SolarSystem #Cassini #Oceans #Cold #Icy #NASA",
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                    "caption": "We’re about to unveil the next astronauts to fly around the Moon. Will you join us? \r \rThree @NASAAstronauts and one @CanadianSpaceAgency astronaut will spend ten days in space on our upcoming #Artemis II mission, our first in more than 50 years to send humans around the Moon. Artemis II will prepare us for future Artemis missions that will land near the Moon’s South Pole and establish a long-term human presence on the lunar surface, getting us ready to send humanity to Mars. \r \rWe’re introducing the Artemis II astronauts at a live @NASAJohnson event, starting 11 a.m. EDT (1500 UTC) on Monday, April 3—watch with us on NASA YouTube or nasa.gov/live to meet our Moon-bound crew. \r \rCredit: NASA \r \r#NASA #Astronauts #NASAAstronauts #Moon #ToTheMoonAndBack",
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                    "caption": "The views rise to the occasion 🌏\r\rOn November 28, flight day 13 of the @NASAArtemis mission, our Orion spacecraft captured the Earth rising – or transiting behind the Moon as it reached its farthest distance from home – 268,563 miles (432,210 km) – the farthest any spacecraft designed to carry humans has traveled. The #Artemis I flight test happened almost exactly 50 years after the iconic Apollo 17 “Blue Marble” photo of Earth was taken.\r\r\n\nFlight day 13 marked the midway point for the mission, where the Orion continued in distant retrograde orbit – a high altitude path that travels in the opposite direction that the Moon travels around Earth – allowing scientists to study the course of our future lunar orbiting space station – Gateway.\r\r\n\nThe slight wobble in the image is because the camera was in a fixed position on the spacecraft’s solar array while the Moon and Earth continued to move in their orbits relative to Orion.\r\r\n\nNote: This video is 900x times the actual speed and has been rotated and cropped.\r\r\n\nCredit: NASA\n\n\r\r#Moon #LunarMission #Orion #Artemis #Earth",
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                    "caption": "Today I wanted to see a croissant.... QUASO 🥐⁣\n⁣\nThis is an ode to our cosmic companion, the Moon, who enters a new moon phase on May 18 where it rises and sets with the Sun, appearing invisible in our sky. Our Moon, like all of the largest moons in our solar system, is tidally locked – meaning the same side always faces its planet.⁣\n⁣\nThe Moon is the brightest and largest object in our night sky, and when it enters a new moon phase, skywatchers can see more stars than usual, and even sometimes our own Milky Way galaxy.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: A slim waxing crescent moon over Earth’s horizon is seen from the @ISS. Earth shines bright appearing white and light blue, the atmosphere gleams in shades of blue that fade into space, where a white sliver of the Moon cuts through the blackness of the solar system.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#Space #NASA #ISS #Moon #NewMoon #SolarSystem #Phase #croissant #QUASO",
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                    "caption": "Sun-day Funday. ☀️⁣\n⁣\nOur Sun is highly active. At about 4.5 billion years old, it influences nearly everything in the solar system, from the smallest Earthly organisms to the biggest planets.⁣\n⁣\nThis image is a blend of 10 wavelengths taken every 12 seconds by our Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in 2015. The mission's 100 millionth image is part of this blend. Along with a fleet of other spacecraft, SDO keeps an eye on the Sun. It tracks changes in its atmosphere, interior, and records space weather like solar flares that can reach Earth.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: A mosaic image of the Sun in different wavelengths shows the swirling surface of the Sun in yellow, red, orange, and purple. Some areas of the star appear black, while light dances off the its atmosphere.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/SDO/AIA/LMSAL⁣\n⁣\n#Sun #SolarSystem #SDO #Star",
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                    "caption": "Wow, Uranus is showing off more these days.⁣\n⁣\nPeering beneath clouds of the ice giant – Uranus – scientists have seen strong evidence of a large polar cyclone at the planet’s north pole. Astronomers, using data from ground-based telescopes, looked deeper into Uranus’ atmosphere than ever before, observing that air at the north pole seems drier and warmer, an indication of a strong cyclone.⁣\n⁣\nThis new view of Uranus adds to the data that all planets in our solar system with a substantial atmosphere show signs of a swirling vortex at the poles. Our Voyager-2 spacecraft captured evidence of a cyclone at the planet’s other end, the south pole, when it passed by the ice giant in 1986.⁣\n⁣\nImage descriptions:⁣\n⁣\nImage 1: A microwave observation in wavelength band Ka shows Uranus in shades of blue and green, with the colors tinting lighter green toward the right side of the planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/VLA⁣\n⁣\nImage 2: A microwave observation in wavelength band Q shows the ice giant in shades of blue, orange, and purple, with the colors tinting lighter orange toward the right side of the planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/VLA⁣\n⁣\nImage 3: A microwave observation in wavelength band K shows the ice giant in shades of blue, black, and white, with the colors getting lighter toward the right side of the planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/VLA⁣\n⁣\nImage 4: Voyager captures the full disk of Uranus which appears light-blue in the blackness of space, in the lower right portion of the planet, a faint white cloud appears. Credit: NASA⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #Space #SolarSystem #Gas #Uranus",
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                    "caption": "Get your jellyfishing nets ready! ⁣\n⁣\n@NASAHubble captures this peaceful view of a jellyfish galaxy adrift 900 million lightyears away in the constellation Coma Berenices.⁣\n⁣\nIn spite of the calm scene, this galaxy is in the clutches of a galaxy cluster, where it is being twisted and distorted by the gravitational pull of its larger neighbors. Another threat lies in the space between galaxies in a cluster, searing hot plasma known as the intracluster medium, capable of stripping star-forming gas from the galaxy causing the tendrils to stretch out from the galaxy.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: A spiral galaxy. It is large in the center with a lot of detail visible. The core glows brightly and is surrounded by concentric rings of dark and light dust. The spiral arms are thick and puffy with grey dust and glowing blue areas of star formation. They wrap around the galaxy to form a ring. Part of the arm is drawn out into a dark thread above the galaxy, and dust from the arm trails off to the right.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: @EuropeanSpaceAgency/Hubble & NASA, M. Gullieuszik and the GASP team⁣\n⁣\n#Jellyfish #Galaxy #Space #Astrophotography #Hubble",
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                    "caption": "A smudge is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means to.⁣\n⁣\nTilted on its axis like Earth – the sixth planet from the Sun, Saturn – has four seasons, each lasting approximately seven Earth years due to its large orbit. Here, @NASAHubble captures Saturn as its Northern Hemisphere heads toward its autumnal equinox, May 6, 2025, and changes are occurring on more than just the planet.⁣\n⁣\nThe seasons also affect the iconic rings, with smudgy spots and spokes beginning to appear. They are visible on the left side of the image. Two \"spokes\" or smudges appear at the midpoint on the B-ring. These marks appear and disappear quickly with an increase in frequency as the planet heads towards the equinox known as \"spoke season.\" Scientists believe the spokes could be caused by the gas giant's variable magnetic field interacting with solar wind creating an electrically charged environment similar to the aurora borealis on Earth.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: Our Hubble telescope captured this image, split in half, showing Saturn in yellow and brown layers with the rings appearing bright white.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA, ESA, and Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)⁣\n⁣\n#Saturn #Rings #Planet #GasGiant #NASA #Space #SolarSystem",
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                    "caption": "We mark the passing of the legendary Pelé, known to many as the king of the \"beautiful game.\" This image of a spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor shows the colors of Brazil.⁣\n⁣\nImage Description: Image of a spiral galaxy with spiral arms dotted with blue stars of varying intensity. The core of the galaxy is brightest and the stars appear yellow-green. The image was taken by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer satellite, or GALEX. ⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech⁣\n⁣\n#Pele #ReiPele #Futebol #Space #Galaxy #NASA",
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                    "caption": "Iced out forever or just for now? 💍⁣\n⁣\nSaturn, a planet known for its iconic accessories, may not have always been this way. Almost entirely pure ice, a small percent of the ring’s mass is made up of non-icy “pollution” from micrometeoroids, such as asteroid fragments smaller than a grain of sand. These constantly collide with other ring particles, further contributing material circling the planet. Three recent studies by @NASAAmes researchers and their science partners provide evidence that the rings are a relatively recent addition to Saturn and that they may last only another few hundred million years.⁣\n⁣\nThough Saturn’s rings may be short-lived, we can be grateful to be a species born at a time when Saturn was dressed to the nines, a planetary fashion icon for us to behold and study.⁣\n⁣\nImage description: A black-and-white view of Saturn from the Cassini orbiter, captured on May 4, 2014. The view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 37 degrees above the ring plane. Saturn’s shadow is casted on the left side of the rings.⁣\n⁣\nCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute⁣\n⁣\n#NASA #SolarSystem #Saturn #Rings #Universe #Space #Planet",
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